Keep your home safe from fire hazards this winter

Vaughan Fire and Rescue Service offers tips to protect your family

The winter holidays are one of the most festive times of the year. It also brings with it additional risks for fires.
Vaughan Fire and Rescue Service (VFRS) encourages everyone to be careful when cooking, especially if alcohol is being consumed. Provincial statistics show that unsafe cooking practices are the number one cause of fires and the second leading cause of fatal fires during November, December and January.
VFRS reminds residents that working smoke alarms are required by law on every level of the home and outside all sleeping areas. Carbon monoxide alarms are also required outside of sleeping areas if your home has a fuel-burning appliance, fireplace or attached garage. Failure to comply with the laws for smoke and carbon monoxide alarms can result in a ticket for $360 or a fine of up to $50,000 for individuals and $100,000 for corporations.
Ensure your holiday season is safe and fire-free with these tips:
  • If the stove top is hot, stay in your spot. When you are cooking, remain in the kitchen. If a pot or pan catches fire, DO NOT move it. Smother the flames with a pot lid and turn off the burner. Make sure the stove is off before going to bed.
  • Clear the area. Store flammable items, like paper towels, dish cloths and plastic or wooden cooking utensils, safely away from the stove. If they are too close, they can easily ignite.
  • Wine after dine. Drink responsibly. Alcohol consumption is known to be a contributing factor in many residential fires. Keep an eye on everyone in your household who is drinking to ensure they are being fire safe.
  • Butt out. Make sure all cigarettes are properly extinguished before going to bed. Check furniture for cigarettes that may have fallen between the cushions. Cigarettes can smoulder on or near upholstered items for hours before igniting. Provide large, deep ashtrays for smokers.
  • Plan. Test. Practise. Have a PLAN with at least two exits out of every room in your home. TEST your alarms every month and make sure everyone knows what to do if there is an emergency. PRACTISE your escape plan with everyone who lives or frequently visits your home.
For more information on fire prevention, visit or call 905-832-2281.
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