Councillor Carella Named New Chair of Finance, Administration and Audit Committee

March 4, 2014
Councillor Tony Carella has been appointed as the new chair of the City of Vaughan Finance, Administration and Audit Committee. Councillor Marilyn Iafrate served as chair for the past two years.
This statutory committee was renamed the Finance, Administration and Audit committee this year. It considers matters relating to the City’s finances, budget, audit function and corporate administrative matters and reports directly to Council. Over the past year the committee has completed the 2014 budget, conducted a review of development charges, approved a new purchasing card policy and reviewed a number of internal audit reports.
“Vaughan is a city with its financial house in order and it is thanks to the commitment and dedication of the members of this committee. The excellent work done by the Finance, Administration and Audit committee during this term of Council speaks to our commitment to transparency, accountability and respect for taxpayers’ dollars. I want to express my gratitude to Ward 1 Councillor Marilyn Iafrate for her dedication and commitment to the budget process during her term as chair of the committee. In two consecutive budgets she delivered tax fairness and service excellence. I also want to congratulate Ward 2 Councillor Tony Carella on his appointment as chair. I am confident that with his 14 years of experience and detailed knowledge of our City he will serve the residents of Vaughan well and respect the hard-earned tax payers’ dollars."
-Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua
“It is an honour to be appointed chair of the Finance, Administration and Audit committee. The City of Vaughan is committed to sound financial and long-term planning as well as finding more efficient ways of delivering our many services. I look forward to building upon the accomplishments and continuing the forward progress of this committee.”
-Ward 2 Councillor Tony Carella
  • The committee appoints a different chair from among its members at least once a year
  • The committee is comprised of all Members of Council
  • The committee is responsible for reviewing the City’s annual budget