Enhancing Vaughan’s public spaces

Garbage bins in a park

New garbage bins placed at select parks and community centres


Reducing illegal dumping and litter in the community is a shared responsibility – and the City of Vaughan continues taking steps to keep our public spaces clean.


You may have recently noticed new garbage bins at your local park or community centre. These new bins were designed with a small entrance hole to help reduce illegal dumping and windblown garbage, and deter wildlife by eliminating easily accessible food sources. This is yet another example of the City’s ongoing commitment to respecting our environment and fostering a sustainable community.


You can find the new bins at the following City parks and community centres – with more coming soon!


  • Lakehurst Park (486 Conley St.)
  • Mosswood Park (641 Thornhill Woods Dr.)
  • North Thornhill Community Centre (300 Pleasant Ridge Ave.)
  • Oakhurst Park (70 Oakhurst Dr.)
  • Pierre Elliott Trudeau Park (60 Promenade Cir.)
  • Thornhill Woods Park (289 Thornhill Woods Dr.)


If you’re out at one of our parks or trails, put your waste in a City bin. If you have extra waste, take it home. By helping to reduce litter, you are demonstrating respect for your neighbours and shared community spaces. Let’s ensure Vaughan remains a clean and healthy city for us to live in, work from and visit.  


Our role in reducing litter

The City has hired an independent consultant to conduct its first-ever litter audit. In fact, Vaughan is the second municipality in the Greater Toronto Area to conduct a litter audit. More than 90 sites across Vaughan will be analyzed to determine litter trends, which will help inform a city-wide strategy. This proactive measure to understanding and quantifying the types of litter in the community will enable the City to take a data-driven approach to our litter reduction efforts. The final report is anticipated to be completed in early 2024.


In addition, the City’s spring-cleaning blitz continues with crews collecting litter from Vaughan’s parks, trails, open spaces, City boulevards and sidewalks. Approximately 27,000 kilograms (59,520 pounds) of litter and illegal dumping have already been removed this year.


Using Madvac (an innovative litter collection vacuum that targets hard-to-reach areas), the City collects litter and debris from the ground. Watch this video to see Madvac in action! This innovation is another way Public Works staff enhance and expand resources to stay on top of litter. 


How you can help

  • Put waste in its place: while outside, place your waste in the nearest garbage, blue box or green bin. Be sure to use the right one!
  • Reuse and refill: bring a reusable cup while walking or on the go and take cloth tote bags with you when shopping.
  • Bag it and bin it: when walking outside with your pets, clean up after them and use the waste bins provided. If the bins are full, take your garbage and pet waste home. It belongs in the green bin at home or waste bins out in the community. As a reminder, you must pick up after your pet. The fine for failing to do so is $200. To report pet waste on public property, contact the City at 905-832-2281 or service@vaughan.ca.


Did you know it’s against the law to litter?

Littering and illegal dumping are prohibited under the Dumping By-law 103-2020 (PDF). It’s also a violation of the by-law to not keep your property clear of litter, waste and debris; failure to do so may come with a notice to clean up your property and/or you could receive a $500 fine for each offence. Failure to comply with a notice is also a chargeable offence and may result in the City removing the waste and debris at your expense.


Fines aside, littering has a negative impact on the health, safety and well-being of the community and the environment. It’s also dangerous for pets and wildlife as they may eat or be injured by discarded items.


To report full or overfilled bins around the community or if you see someone dumping illegally, contact Service Vaughan at 905-832-2281 or service@vaughan.ca.


To learn more about litter reduction in Vaughan, visit vaughan.ca/litter.


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