European Firebugs are here – but no need to fear!

City of Vaughan
These insects are harmless to humans, plants and pets

There’s a new bug in town! European Firebugs have been making a growing appearance across York Region – but don’t worry, they are harmless to humans, plants and pets. 

You can spot these small insects easily because of their red bodies with black dots on their backs. Firebugs mainly feed on the seeds of plants in the mallow family, such as hollyhocks and hibiscus. They are often mistaken for Box Elder Bugs. 

The City of Vaughan’s Horticulture team has the answers to your questions about European Firebugs: 

Are European Firebugs harmful?
Although they may be a nuisance, European Firebugs are harmless to humans, plants and pets. They do not bite, transmit disease or damage plants. 

How do I get rid of them?
There is no treatment to prevent or handle them. There is no need to report these bugs because they are harmless to humans and plants. If you wish to get rid of them on your property, you can spray high-pressure water from a garden hose directly on the insect. It is not encouraged to squish them as they can emit a foul odour when crushed. 

What’s the history of European Firebugs in Canada?  
Originally from Europe, these bugs made their way to Canada in 2017 – and their presence continues to expand across Ontario. 

Is a European Firebug the same as a Box Elder Bug?
European Firebugs look similar to Box Elder Bugs, but firebugs have a red body with two black dots on their back. Unlike box elders, firebugs can’t fly. 

Where can I find more information on these bugs?
Visit to learn more about these insects. 

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