Exceeding growth targets in the City’s downtown core

City of Vaughan
VMC Sub-Committee meets to review city-building initiatives and programs
The Vaughan Metropolitan Centre (VMC) is the largest and most ambitious development project in the City’s history – and it continues to transform. In fact, close to 63,350 residents in almost 32,000 residential units are moving into the VMC. This achieves 270 per cent of the residential units and 256 per cent of the population targets identified for the 2031 planning horizon. To help guide growth, communicate initiatives and ensure municipal policies and planning requirements are met, the City of Vaughan’s VMC Sub-Committee held its first meeting of 2021 earlier this week.
The following three VMC projects currently underway were discussed:
With rapid growth, increased interest in residential developments, an expanding workforce and growing visitor and commuter numbers, the City has initiated an update to the existing VMC Secondary Plan. This plan defines all the elements needed for successful development within the VMC and the surrounding space, such as new roads, transportation routes, parks and more. As part of the update, the plan will consider a boundary expansion to potentially include additional lands in the area, and review the current height and density permissions and land-use plan. Currently, the VMC is bounded by Highway 407 to the south, Highway 400 to the west, Portage Parkway to the north and Creditstone and Maplecrete roads to the east. Learn more about this recommendation in the VMC Sub-Committee Report: VMC Secondary Plan Update (PDF).
Public engagement is also a vital component of this plan. Citizens can visit vaughan.ca/VMCPlan to participate in an online self-guided Public Open House to have their say on key findings and provide further feedback and ideas for future growth and transformation within the VMC. Available until Thursday, March 25, the open house includes a series of videos, a digital feedback forum and more.
The City is creating a vibrant centre for public life within the VMC. By undertaking the VMC Parks and Wayfinding Master Plan, the City will guide the timely development of parks and open spaces in the VMC and create a signage strategy to make the area easier to navigate. An update on this process is available in the VMC Sub-Committee Report: VMC Parks and Wayfinding Master Plan Update (PDF).
Public engagement is a vital component of this plan as well. Initial feedback from the community helped inform the team’s recommendations and proposed options for developing parks and open spaces in the VMC. Visit vaughan.ca/VMCParks for updates on the project and additional opportunities for input that will be made available in the coming months.
A Cultural Arts Centre is coming to the VMC. Cultural hubs are amenities that create community, social and economic benefits, including city-building and placemaking; investment attraction; job creation; tourism attraction; academic and social innovations; and civic pride. Under phase one of the City’s review, a feasibility study was initiated to assess market demand, community needs, development concepts and more – results gathered support the development of a Cultural Arts Centre there. Phase two of this project is now underway. Learn more in the VMC Sub-Committee Report: Development of a Cultural and Performing Arts Centre in the VMC (PDF).
View the March 2, 2021 VMC Sub-Committee meeting agenda for more information.
All sub-committee meetings are open to the public in accordance with the Municipal Act, 2001 and streamed live at vaughan.ca/LiveCouncil. Meetings are posted within the Council and Committee meeting calendar, available at vaughan.ca/CouncilMeetings.
Chaired by Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua, the VMC Sub-Committee is also comprised of Members of Council and City staff. The committee’s mandate – which is outlined in the VMC Sub-Committee Terms of Reference (PDF) –  will run throughout the 2018-2022 term of Council.
“This year marks two significant milestones for the City of Vaughan – 10 years ago, the VMC Sub-Committee was first established, and it has now been a decade of growth for the Vaughan Metropolitan Centre (VMC) which was identified as a priority strategic initiative by Council in June 2011. The VMC has seen remarkable growth since then and continues to rise to new and unprecedented heights. The heart of our emerging downtown is now home to several transformational transit projects, including the VMC Subway, seven high rise towers that are now fully occupied, two new commercial office buildings, which have created more than 2,000 jobs, immersive public art projects and vibrant community event spaces, and many more exciting projects that are currently underway. From 2015 to 2020, the VMC attracted more than $9 billion in economic activity, which is a testament to our ongoing efforts to exceed growth targets in our city's core. As a Committee, we continue to build on our strategic partnerships and leverage strong relationships with the development community. Together, we remain focused on building a world-class city that encompasses long-lasting urban design and public spaces that foster community well-being for generations to come. A high standard of living, accessible location, exceptional amenities, development opportunities, a subway connection, and so much more contribute to the demand that fuels record-breaking construction values in Vaughan year after year. Building on this momentum, Vaughan's vision for the future is quickly becoming a reality.”
-        Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua
The Vaughan Metropolitan Centre continues to attract residential, commercial and industrial investments – much of which is grounded in significant projects that contribute to the downtown’s growing and towering skyline. Our team is currently undertaking a number of plans, studies and projects to help improve connectivity between major areas, including transit stations, schools, and commercial and residential areas, in addition to other community features such as connections to pathways and open spaces. These projects include a VMC Secondary Plan Update, a Transportation Master Plan, a Parks and Wayfinding Master Plan, two road environmental assessment studies to incorporate cycling and pedestrian plans and policies, and more. Further aligning with the City’s priority to create active, safe and diverse communities, a new Cultural Arts Centre is also planned for the downtown core – once complete, this will be a central location that fosters creativity, enriches the community and hosts arts, cultural and heritage events when it is safe to do so. All of these initiatives and more contribute to making Vaughan’s vision for the future a reality.”
-        Jim Harnum, City Manager
  • The City of Vaughan’s VMC Sub-Committee held its first meeting of 2021 on Tuesday, March 2.
  • Chaired by Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua, the committee’s mandate is to help guide growth in the VMC, communicate initiatives and ensure municipal policies and planning requirements are met.
  • During the March 2 meeting, the following three VMC projects currently underway were discussed: VMC Secondary Plan Update, VMC Parks and Wayfinding Master Plan Update and the development of a Cultural and Performing Arts Centre in the VMC.
  • All VMC Sub-Committee meetings are open to the public in accordance with the Municipal Act, 2001 and streamed live at vaughan.ca/LiveCouncil.
  • Close to 63,352 residents in almost 31,996 residential units are moving into the VMC. This achieves 270 per cent of the residential units and 256 per cent of the population targets identified for the 2031 planning horizon. 