Explore January’s By-law of the Month

City of Vaughan
Learn everything you need to know about Vaughan’s Idling By-law

By-laws are put in place to ensure a safe and orderly community for all who live, work and play in Vaughan. Each month, the City of Vaughan explores a different by-law and what it means for you. This month, let’s take a look at the Idling By-law (PDF).

Here are the basics
According to the by-law, motor vehicles cannot idle for more than five consecutive minutes. The City defines idling as operating the engine of a vehicle while it is not moving or being used – this could include a parked car or construction equipment that is running.

The by-law applies to all public and private properties in Vaughan as well as all roadways under the jurisdiction of the City and York Region.

There are exceptions to the by-law, which include:

  • emergency vehicles engaged in operational activities, including training activities.
  • vehicles assisting in an emergency activity.
  • vehicles that are motionless because of an emergency, traffic or weather conditions, or mechanical difficulties the driver has no control over.
  • transit vehicles while passengers are getting on and off as well as when stopping along a transit route (for a maximum of 15 minutes) to adjust to service schedules.
  • vehicles where idling is required as part of a repair process or to prepare a vehicle for servicing.
  • when the outside temperature is more than 27 C or less than 5 C and idling is necessary to operate the air conditioning or heating equipment, respectively.

Any person violating the Idling By-law may be fined up to $200 for the first offence and up to $400 for subsequent offences. Any corporation violating the Idling By-law may be fined up to $400 for the first offence and up to $800 for subsequent offences.

Vaughan is a green city
The City is committed to reducing vehicle emissions that contribute to smog, climate change and affect air quality, and encourages everyone to limit non-traffic related idling. The Idling By-law contributes to safeguarding the environmental well-being of the community and all citizens.

Environmental sustainability is a key priority for and responsibility of the City, which has a direct impact on the health and safety of everyone. The City will continue to lead by example as a responsible steward of Vaughan.

To file a complaint about an idling vehicle, call Service Vaughan at 905-832-2281 or email bylaw@vaughan.ca
