Get Inspired; Get Involved – Have your say on Vaughan’s Official Plan

City of Vaughan
Reminder: attend the virtual public meeting on Wednesday Oct. 13 at 7 p.m.

What kind of city do you want Vaughan to be in 30 years? How would you like to get around the city? What does a complete community look like to you? How can Vaughan be more sustainable? On Wednesday, Oct. 13 at 7 p.m., a virtual public meeting will be held to explore these topics, share information and gather input to help shape the updated Vaughan Official Plan.
Public input will help the City identify needs, outline priorities and draft the updated Vaughan Official Plan. While Vaughan City Hall remains closed to the public in response to COVID-19, members of the public can participate in this virtual public meeting by:  
  • speaking live via teleconference to Members of Council during the meeting. To pre-register to speak at the public meeting, send a completed Request to Speak form (PDF) to or call Access Vaughan at 905-832-2281. Participants will be provided instructions on how to connect to the meeting. A test meeting will also be held before the meeting to allow participants to test their connection and software. You can also connect through your computer, smartphone or tablet.
  • speaking live from a telephone (regular landline or cellphone) during the meeting. To pre-register to speak via telephone, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at or call Access Vaughan at 905-832-2281.
  • ubmitting a written communication for review by Members of Council as part of an agenda item. All written communications can be emailed to the Office of the City Clerk at
All speaker requests and written submissions must be received by noon on the last business day before the meeting – Tuesday, Oct. 12. For additional details about this process, visit A livestream of this meeting will be available at at the start of the meeting.
Other ways to have your say
In addition to the public meeting, multiple public engagement opportunities will be available throughout the Vaughan Official Plan Review, including online surveys, workshops and establishing a Community Working Group – a citizen advisory group to help guide conversations and inform the review process. The Community Working Group will not be a decision-making body.
Your participation in the Official Plan Review will help answer questions like:
  • What should communities in the future look and feel like?
  • What kind of business development and job opportunities should the City plan for?
  • How will people move around Vaughan?
  • How can the City continue to act as environmental stewards, create a sustainable environment and increase resilience to climate change?
  • How can the City continue to create a vibrant place for people to live, work and play?
  • How can the City design accessible communities which include everyone?
  • How can the City design a community which will continue to meet the needs of all residents and allow people to age-in-place?
As the Official Plan Review progresses, questions and opportunities for public input will continue to be shared, including upcoming recruitment for the Community Working Group. Details will be posted to once confirmed.
What is an Official Plan?
An Official Plan outlines the vision for the future of a city, including responsible governance, sustainable planning, economic leadership, transparency, accountability and inclusivity. It is a strategic planning document that establishes a policy framework to guide the physical, social, environmental and economic development of the city’s communities. The City of Vaughan’s Official Plan:
  • implements goals, objectives and land use policies to serve the community.
  • directs density, housing supply, protection of environmental features and agricultural areas, cultural heritage preservation and more.
  • guides growth and development to implement the vision for Vaughan’s long-term evolution.
The updated Official Plan must align with new Provincial policies and plans, including the Provincial Policy Statement, Greenbelt Plan, Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, and 2051 growth targets for people and jobs. It must also conform with the York Region Official Plan, currently being updated through the York Region Municipal Comprehensive Review.
Why is the City’s Official Plan being reviewed?
Currently, 341,600 people live in Vaughan and there are 240,200 jobs. As one of the fastest growing cities in Canada, Vaughan is projected to be home to an additional 227,100 people and nearly 111,800 more jobs will be created over the next three decades. This accounts for almost one-third of York Region’s expected growth to 2051. The City is updating the existing Vaughan Official Plan 2010 to better meet the needs of current and future citizens, workers and visitors, and help guide this expansive growth to ensure Vaughan continues to be a great place to live, work and play.
How long will the Official Plan Review take?
As a progressive and growing Greater Toronto Area municipality, Vaughan is large and complex. It is expected the Official Plan Review will be completed in approximately two years. The City will need time to review all existing policies, conform with recent changes to Provincial Plans and Policies and with York Region’s on-going Municipal Comprehensive Review, involve the community every step of the way, and report back to you on our progress throughout the life of the Project. The process will be broken out into four phases, with public engagement being a vital component throughout. Learn more about each phase at
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