Get an A+ in school zone parking this year

Parked cars on the road

With school back in session, it’s important for drivers, cyclists and pedestrians to slow down, cycle or walk safely, and follow the rules of the road. This includes practicing safe parking habits, especially in school zones. 


Watch this video to find out how to navigate school parking lots like a pro from a Vaughan student and the City’s By-law Parking & Sign Enforcement Supervisor!


Here are more parking-related tips to keep in mind this school year:

  • Watch for road signs, including “No Parking” and “No Stopping.” Schools have designated areas for student pick-up and drop-off.

  • Give buses the right-of-way and don’t block bus routes – it’s the law under the Ontario Highway Traffic Act

  • Don’t park too close to school driveways or in designated fire routes. Emergency vehicles must be able to access these spots in case of an emergency, as stated in the Ontario Highway Traffic Act

  • Don’t double park; you are blocking someone’s view, potentially creating a safety hazard for children crossing the road.

  • Ensure you leave about nine metres (or 30 feet) between your car and crosswalks or stop signs.

  • Watch for crosswalks. As stated in the City’s Parking By-law (PDF), it’s illegal to park in any marked or unmarked crosswalk, and it’s important not to block them so our crossing guards can do their jobs safely. 

  • Follow posted speed limits and crossing guard signals as stated in the Ontario Highway Traffic Act


Consider active and sustainable ways to get to school

It’s easy to hop in the car to take your kids to school, but there are so many other ways to get to class, like walking, wheeling with an assistive mobility device, cycling, scootering, rollerblading, skateboarding – the list goes on and on! In addition to supporting a healthier lifestyle, making the switch can improve road safety. Are you up for the challenge?


If you can’t walk from your house, consider parking further away from the school and walking the rest of the way – just remember not to block someone’s driveway. Under the City’s Parking By-law (PDF), it is not permitted to obstruct a driveway or the sidewalk – failure to do so may result in a fine of $75. 


Parking further from the school enhances road safety and helps manage vehicle congestion around school zones. It also improves air quality by reducing pollution and greenhouse gases made by vehicles.


Safer School Zones Plan

The City continues to prioritize road safety and active and sustainable travel initiatives by transforming Vaughan’s transportation system. One way the City is doing this is by developing a Safer School Zones Plan.  As part of MoveSmart, the plan will provide recommendations for school zone infrastructure improvements to increase road safety for students. Policies, guidelines and standards will be established to address parking, speeding, traffic circulation, pedestrian and cycling access, and other issues impacting students – yet another initiative in the City’s ongoing road safety efforts. To learn more, visit


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