Get your virtual event noticed

City of Vaughan
Vaughan’s website is a great place to promote online events 
While many groups are foregoing in-person events in response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and restrictions around gathering sizes, other events are continuing virtually. The City invites local groups and community organizations to submit their requests to have their upcoming virtual events posted on Vaughan’s online events calendar.
The calendar allows residents to browse and stay up to date on upcoming virtual or modified in-person events hosted by the City, eligible groups and organizations throughout Vaughan. It can be viewed at
Interested applicants should consider eligibility requirements before making a submission to the City's event calendar. Approved criteria includes:
  • An event, public meeting, workshop, etc. hosted by the City of Vaughan or supported by Council
  • A Vaughan community event taking place within the City of Vaughan that is not-for-profit, charitable or officially affiliated with a charity (not held for marketing or advertising purposes)
  • An event hosted by York Region that impacts the City of Vaughan
  • An event by Community Service Organizations identified and approved by the City’s Recreation Services department 
Please note the event calendar is not a listing and requires a link to a website or an online notice to be published. Separate requests must be made for recurring events.
To submit an event, interested applicants are to email
Upcoming events
City-led events resuming virtually include the 2020 Order of Vaughan, the annual Remembrance Day ceremony and the Vaughan Accessibility Champion Awards. The annual Vaughan Culture Days events are also scheduled to begin on Friday, Sept. 25 with many virtual cultural programming opportunities.
Stay informed 
As the City continues to monitor evolving COVID-19 developments, citizens can receive the latest updates as they happen by signing up for the City Update eNewsletter at and following the City’s Twitter, Facebook and Instagram channels.
Those who feel unwell, and believe they have symptoms related to COVID-19, should contact York Region Public Health at 1-800-361-5653 or Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000. For additional information and resources on COVID-19, including physical distancing tips and advice from Public Health officials, visit York Region's website at