Have your say, Vaughan

City of Vaughan
City is seeking public input on a variety of city-building initiatives

Vaughan is a city on the move – and despite the global COVID-19 pandemic, city-building has not slowed down. Although the City of Vaughan’s physical doors remain closed, key projects and initiatives continue to advance forward. As public consultation remains an important and necessary part of the process, Vaughan is committed to providing virtual opportunities for citizens and stakeholders to be engaged, learn about active projects, provide feedback and get involved. Visit vaughan.ca/HaveYourSay to explore current engagement opportunities such as online surveys, digital presentations, virtual open houses, interactive workshops, feedback forums and more. By participating, you can help inform municipal decisions and shape the future of Vaughan.
Citizens are encouraged to join these current conversations – virtually – from the safety and comfort of home.
Pickleball Study
As recommended in Vaughan’s 2018 Active Together Master Plan, the City is conducting a Pickleball Study to assess demand and evaluate the feasibility of retrofitting some existing tennis courts to make them compatible for pickleball play. Residents are encouraged to get involved and join the conversation by taking the Pickleball Player Survey to help identify best practices, ideal locations and preferred court features. The online survey is available at vaughan.ca/pickleball and will be open until Monday, March 15.

Teston Road Environmental Assessment Study
The City is looking to make improvements along Teston Road by creating more pedestrian-oriented spaces, encouraging cycling and enhancing safety measures for all who walk, bike or drive through the area. To help understand the needs of the community, the City has launched a Teston Road Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Study – and citizens are invited to have their say, virtually. Visit vaughan.ca/TestonRoad to take part in an online self-guided Public Information Centre and participate in a subsequent survey to provide input on key findings, issues, solutions and more. The content will be available until Friday, March 12.

Vaughan Mills Centre Public Realm and Streetscape Plan
As the City continues its study to develop the Vaughan Mills Centre Public Realm and Streetscape Plan – a guide to promote high-quality public and private spaces and pedestrian-oriented streetscape development in the Vaughan Mills Centre area – citizens are encouraged to once again join the conversation, virtually. On Thursday, Feb. 25, an online Public Information Centre was held for participants to hear project updates, review design concepts, ask questions and more. Citizens still have an opportunity to take part in the process by completing an online survey at vaughan.ca/VaughanMillsPlan until Sunday, March 14.

VMC Secondary Plan Update
The Vaughan Metropolitan Centre (VMC) is the largest and most ambitious development project in the City’s history – and it is transforming quickly. With rapid growth, increased interest in residential developments, expanding workforce and growing visitor and commuter numbers, the City has initiated an update to the existing VMC Secondary Plan. Last fall, the City kicked off this update by collecting public feedback on the issues, strengths and opportunities in the area. Now there is an opportunity to learn more about key findings and provide further feedback and ideas for future growth and transformation of the VMC by participating in an online self-guided Public Open House. It includes a series of videos, a digital feedback forum and more. Visit vaughan.ca/VMCPlan until Thursday, March 25 to take part.

Ward Boundary Review
The second phase in the City’s review of its five ward boundaries is underway. The objective of the Ward Boundary Review is to assess whether Vaughan’s present wards are continuing to provide effective, equitable and democratic representation. Initial research and public feedback have helped inform the study and contributed to various aspects, maps and alternatives being proposed – explore these options by attending one of four virtual public open houses to be held on Saturday, March 6, Tuesday, March 9 and Thursday, March 11. The sessions will offer another opportunity to provide input and suggestions before the final report is presented to Vaughan Council. A subsequent online survey will also be available as of Saturday, March 6. Details and registration are available at vaughan.ca/WardBoundary.
For more information on these projects, visit vaughan.ca/HaveYourSay. Continue to check this webpage as new public engagement opportunities are frequently posted.