Help create a more inclusive city

City of Vaughan
Share your accessibility story to inform Vaughan’s Multi-Year Accessibility Plan

Have you ever experienced some form of barrier that prevented you from doing everyday-life tasks, like carrying out work or household responsibilities, or engaging in social activities? Share your story to help create a more inclusive and accessible city. 

The City of Vaughan is developing its 2023 to 2027 Multi-Year Accessibility Plan. This plan will build on the success of the 2019 to 2022 Accessibility Plan (PDF) and further the City’s commitment to create a barrier-free community with universal access to its programs, services and facilities. 

The City’s goal is to create an accessible community by 2025 – and this plan will help achieve that. With the implementation of this plan, the City is ensuring people at any age and ability are treated in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence. It will do this by outlining the various activities and initiatives the City will undertake to support accessibility, including implementing new programs and services, creating accessible play spaces, using accessible technology, implementing accessible employment practices and achieving additional Rick Hansen Gold Accessibility Certifications. 

We need your help to inform this plan. 

Share your accessibility story

Have you experienced barriers in routine tasks, work or household responsibilities, or enjoying leisure, recreational and social activities? How did you manage? What could help make the situation better in the future? What would you like the City to learn from your experiences? Share your accessibility story until Sunday, April 2. Get started at 

Check the project webpage often as there will be several chances for you to give input throughout 2023. You can also email to join a mailing list and receive updates and information about these opportunities. 

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