Help keep catch basins clear of snow and ice

City of Vaughan
Snow and heavy rain can cause flooding if these drains are blocked

Winter weather is in full swing, so when clearing snow and ice from your driveway and sidewalk, don’t forget about catch basins!

Catch basins are typically found curbside and covered with a slotted lid or grate to collect stormwater run-off and move it to a stormwater management pond. To do this, they must be kept clear to allow for proper drainage – especially during heavy snowfall or rain. The resident living closest to a catch basin is encouraged to help clear it of snow, ice and other debris, if it’s safe to do so, to prevent water ponding or flooding.

There are approximately 22,000 catch basins in Vaughan that are critical in keeping stormwater moving. These drainage systems are regularly maintained by the City of Vaughan to prevent flooding.

To report sewer or street flooding, call Service Vaughan at 905-832-2281 or email For more information on the City’s stormwater system, visit

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