Help protect the environment: reduce single-use items

City of Vaughan
City provides tips for switching to reusable materials and how to sort waste

This year, make protecting the environment a priority. You can start by reducing the number of single-use items (such as plastic bags, straws, coffee stirrers and cups) in your day-to-day life. While it’s convenient to just use the plastic bags provided at the grocery store or the disposable straw that comes with your takeout drink, the City of Vaughan is providing simple steps you can add to your daily routine, and reminders for what goes where, to help reduce waste and make a difference for the planet 

Single-use items often end up littering parks, trails, rivers and lakes, which can harm the environment and wildlife. Here are actions you can take that will make a positive impact:

  • Switch from single-use plastic water bottles to reusable bottles.
  • Carry reusable straws and cutlery when dining out or on the go. Use reusable cutlery and dishes when at home to cut down on disposable items that end up in the garbage.
  • Bring reusable bags to the grocery store instead of using plastic bags for groceries and produce.
  • Pack your lunch with food containers, reusable cutlery, and a reusable lunch bag instead of a plastic bag that is used once before being thrown out. 

Remember, disposable masks and gloves are garbage items, and do not belong in the blue box. 

What goes where?

Have you recently used a rapid antigen test at home? These plastic cassettes and swab samples belong in the garbage. Help protect Vaughan’s waste collectors by bagging and tying these items securely before placing them in your garbage bin. 

Remember, not all plastics can be recycled in York Region, even if they have the recycle symbol on them. 

Styrofoam™ and black plastic cannot be recycled in Vaughan or York Region. Consider up-cycling these items for a new purpose, such as arts and crafts materials. Otherwise, Styrofoam™, including takeout containers, cups, packaging peanuts and meat trays, belong in the garbage. Black plastic forks, knives, spoons and containers, usually from takeout, also belong in the garbage, not the blue box. 

Even if they are made of paper, coffee cups do not belong in the blue box. Since these items are often lined with plastic or wax, they cannot be recycled. As well, disposable cutlery and takeout containers that are labeled compostable are not recyclable and do not belong in the green bin. Be sure to place them in the garbage instead. 

Still unsure about what waste items go where? Download the City’s waste reduction app, Recycle Coach, through the Apple App Store or Google Play to help. The app also provides waste-less tips and a personalized collection schedule with optional alerts on what to put at the curb each week. All materials must be set out by 7 a.m. on collection day. Crews will not return for a missed collection. 

Winter waste placement

Waste materials must be kept off roads and snowbanks. Where possible, waste should be set out approximately one metre from the curb on the right side of the driveway when facing the home. 

The City of Vaughan is a leader in waste management. Vaughan’s early commitment to York Region’s SM4RT Living Plan (Waste Management Master Plan) further strengthens that promise. This plan identifies more than 60 initiatives that set the stage for waste management to 2059 and beyond, focusing on the four Rs: reduce, reuse, recycle and recover – working toward a world where nothing goes to waste. The City actively participates in waste reduction programs and initiatives to reduce waste, including Curbside Giveaway Days, backyard composting and the Recycle Coach App, among many more.   

Looking for a challenge? Share your waste reduction efforts with a selfie or another picture or video using the hashtag #VaughanWastesLess on social media. For more information on waste services in Vaughan, visit 

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