Help save a life in the event of a cardiac arrest

City of Vaughan
Sixty Automated External Defibrillator units have been updated and installed in City facilities throughout the community

Being ready to respond to an emergency with the right equipment can help save a life. This Heart Month, the City of Vaughan is shining a light on the 60 Automated External Defibrillator (AED) units which have been updated and installed in facilities across the community. In addition to having the right equipment on-hand, proper education and awareness ensure everyone knows what to do in the event of a sudden cardiac emergency.
Eight in 10 cardiac arrests happen in the home or in a public place and chances for survival are higher with immediate action, according to the Heart and Stroke Foundation. An AED is a portable device used to treat victims of cardiac arrest – it delivers an electric shock to the heart providing an opportunity for it to resume beating effectively. After calling 911, combined with CPR, an AED can increase the likelihood of survival during cardiac arrest versus CPR alone. These devices are safe, easy to use, and can be used effectively by medical and non-medical personnel to help save lives.
The City of Vaughan’s Public Access AED Program oversaw the updates and installation of 60 AEDs in Vaughan public facilities, including community centres, libraries, Vaughan City Hall, the Joint Operations Centre, heritage sites, fitness centres, and the City Playhouse Theatre. Each AED kit contains a pair of gloves, scissors, a razor, sanitation wipes and a facemask barrier device with a filter for CPR. All units also include step-by-step instructions for users in the event of a cardiac emergency.
Public access to AEDs in municipally-managed facilities across Vaughan ensures residents and staff are better protected and prepared to help save a life in the event of a cardiac emergency. The City’s AED Program is consistent with Council’s priorities to foster safe communities and provide exceptional end-to-end citizen-centred services through the 2018-2022 Term of Council Service Excellence Strategic Plan.
To learn more about these lifesaving devices and how to use one, watch this instructional video and visit