Help shape Vaughan’s Older Adult Strategy

Apply by Friday, March 22 for a chance to join the City’s Older Adult Task Force
Citizens are invited to share their expertise and make a difference in the community by serving on the City’s Older Adult Task Force. As a Council-appointed task force member, you can help advise and inform the Mayor and Members of Council on matters that affect older adults in Vaughan.
The Older Adult Task Force is mandated to address relevant issues and the promotion of healthy seniors in Vaughan. This includes recommendations on the Older Adult Strategy, programs and services, and steps towards an age-friendly community designation. Currently, the City is seeking up to seven new task force members: six Vaughan residents of the older adult population or who have significant insight and/or experience with Vaughan’s older adult community, and one individual who represents an organization or service provider for older adults.
To be eligible to participate as a task force member, applicants must be a Vaughan resident or property owner, a Canadian citizen, 18 years of age or older and not employed by the municipality.
Applicants selected for appointment will serve as an Older Adult Task Force member until June 2022, attend meetings every other month and adhere to the Code of Ethics and the Declaration of Office found within the Older Adult Task Force application (PDF). This application package can be found online, in the Office of the City Clerk, public libraries and community centres.
Interested residents must submit their application to the Office of the City Clerk by 4:30 p.m., Friday, March 22. The application can also be submitted by email to or by fax at 905-832-8535.
For more information, call the City of Vaughan at 905-832-8504 or visit