Make bike safety a priority

City of Vaughan
Tips to keep in mind when riding a bike


With the first day of summer just around the corner, it’s important to keep safety in mind when riding your bike. Knowing the rules and respecting others who are enjoying the outdoors will help ensure everyone is able to stay safe and have fun.
A bicycle is considered a vehicle under the Ontario Highway Traffic Act (HTA). This means that, as a cyclist, you have the same rights and responsibilities to obey all traffic laws as other road users. A cyclist who violates a traffic law can be stopped by a police officer and this may result in a fine in accordance to the HTA.
It is your responsibility to ensure you:
  • Stop at red lights and stop signs
  • Signal your turn
  • Have a white front light, red rear light or reflector, white reflective tape on the front forks and red reflective tape on the rear forks
  • Have a bell or horn
  • Wear a helmet if under the age of 18 (it’s the law) 
Cycling is a great activity to get around and stay healthy.  Before heading out, here are some guidelines to keep everyone safe:

Cyclists should:
  • Keep to the right
  • Pass on the left when safe to do so
  • Let pedestrians know you are approaching with a friendly greeting or by ringing your bell
  • Travel in the same direction as motorists when riding on the road
  • Stop at traffic lights and stop signs
  • Use hand signals to communicate your intentions with motorists and pedestrians
E-bikes, which are similar to bicycles, weigh less than 40 kilograms and require pedaling for propulsion, may be used on all bike paths and trails. Scooter-style e-bikes, and other motorized vehicles, are not permitted on pedestrian and bike paths, sidewalks and trails.
For more information about e-bikes in Ontario, please visit the Ministry of Transportation’s webpage on electronic bicycles.
To read more about cycling safety, rules of the road and proper safety and handling techniques, visit