Managing Gypsy Moth caterpillars in Vaughan

City of Vaughan
Tips for controlling these insects in your own backyard

Have you noticed any dark-coloured caterpillars on trees throughout Vaughan? These could be Gypsy Moth caterpillars – an invasive species that eats leaves from hardwood trees such as oak, maple, birch and aspen, as well as select shrubs.
From early May to mid-July, these caterpillars are hatching and will eat leaves and feed for approximately seven weeks. Affected trees will usually grow a second crop of leaves in the same season.
To help control the Gypsy Moth population, the City of Vaughan began city-wide treatment this month in heavily infested areas. The City has placed barrier bands on more than 300 trees and has removed approximately 2,000 egg masses from over 500 trees. To receive up-to-date information on the City’s continued efforts to control the Gypsy Moth population, keep checking back at
What can residents do?
At this time of year, when Gypsy Moths are in either the egg mass or caterpillar stage of their life cycle, homeowners can take either of the following steps to protect trees on their property:
  • Scrape egg masses off trees and place in soapy water to destroy them.
  • Pick caterpillars off leaves, tree trunks and branches and soak them in soapy water to destroy them. Alternatively, spray warm, soapy water on the trees and discard the insects.
  • Collect caterpillars by wrapping tree trunks in burlap or barrier bands and remove and destroy insects daily in soapy water.
Additional resources can be found on the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affair’s webpage. If you have concerns about trees on your property, contact an arborist. For materials and supplies, contact your local nursery or garden supply store.
For more information about Gypsy Moths, visit
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