Mayor Bevilacqua offers Vaughan’s support for Australia wildfires

City of Vaughan
City pledges $15,000 to the Australian Red Cross through the Mayor’s Spirit of Generosity initiative
Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua issued the following statement in response to the Australia wildfires:
“On behalf of the City of Vaughan, I express my deepest sympathies and condolences to the individuals, families and communities — here at home and abroad — that have been affected by the unimaginable disaster in Australia.
“The City of Vaughan has pledged $15,000 to the Australian Red Cross’ Disaster Relief and Recovery Fund from the Mayor’s Spirit of Generosity initiative.
“The devastating weather conditions in Australia have resulted in catastrophic outcomes. Multiple news outlets report that the wildfires have expanded to an area that covers approximately 104,000 square-kilometres – larger than the province of New Brunswick.
“In comparison, the fires in Fort McMurray, Alberta in 2016 — deemed the costliest disaster in Canadian history — covered nearly 6,000 square-kilometres.
“News outlets have reported that the Australia fires have claimed more than 25 human lives to-date. Hundreds of thousands of people from across the country have been evacuated from their homes. An ecologist from the University of Sydney estimated the number of mammals killed in the wildfires at nearly 480 million. Some news outlets are reporting up to one billion estimated animals have been killed.
“During times of crisis, we are reminded that when tragedy strikes one of us, it strikes us all.
“Our city has experienced the powerful impact of natural disasters with the 2009 tornado and the 2013 ice storm. Now is the time for us to pull together to help those who need it most.
“Over the years, the City of Vaughan has established a proud tradition of helping communities in crisis in different parts of the world, as well as right here in Canada, including the Philippines, Texas and Louisiana, central Italy and Fort McMurray, Alberta. And now, we must do our part to support our neighbours in Australia who are in crisis.
“The City of Vaughan, including members of the Vaughan Fire and Rescue Service, share in the mission and values of Australia’s firefighters to protect the environment from the adverse effects of fire, medical emergencies and other dangerous conditions.
“Emergency services are vital to communities. Every day, the brave men and women of Vaughan Fire and Rescue Service risk their lives to protect our residents, visitors and public spaces. They face great danger in the call of public service.
“We commend the first responders currently battling the fires in Australia for their remarkable bravery and are committed to showing our sincere appreciation, respect and support.
“The spirit of generosity is a defining trait of our community. We are blessed with compassionate, engaged and devoted citizens who, each day, reach out to help others in need.
“I encourage the people of our great city to support the relief efforts in any way possible as Australia continues to battle the fires and rebuild.”