Mayor Bevilacqua reflects on momentous city-building achievements in 2021

City of Vaughan
Significant progress made to advance healthcare, innovation, education and transportation in Vaughan

The following statement was issued by Vaughan Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua after the final Council meeting of 2021:

"Today, the City of Vaughan held its last Council meeting of 2021. While this year did not come without its challenges, I am incredibly proud of our citizens for overcoming the adversity brought on by the global COVID-19 pandemic. I want to acknowledge all members of Council and Team Vaughan for thinking strategically and optimizing opportunities presented by our current situation. Together, we remained steadfast in our shared commitment to deliver Service Excellence by ensuring city business continued and improved. That is precisely what being ready, resilient and resourceful is all about.

"As 2021 comes to an end, it is a fitting time to reflect upon the past year and take stock of the significant city-building milestones that have been reached. By working together, we continue elevating our city's exceptional quality of life and standard of living.

"In Vaughan, we believe in the art of the possible, and now, we are one step closer to getting a School of Medicine. In May, York University announced its intention to establish a new School of Medicine in Vaughan to train family and community doctors in an integrated setting. Institutions like York University further position Vaughan as a global talent-driven city. An educated, dedicated and entrepreneurial workforce is the basis of economic resilience and integral to the healthcare needs of tomorrow. 

"After more than a decade-long journey, Vaughan is emerging as an epicentre of healthcare excellence in Canada. In June, Cortellucci Vaughan Hospital officially opened as a full-service community hospital. It is Canada's first smart hospital, the first net-new hospital to open in Ontario in 30 years and Vaughan's first hospital. Cortellucci Vaughan Hospital is home to Mackenzie Health's Woman and Child and Inpatient Mental Health programs and the Inpatient Integrated Stroke unit. It also offers emergency and modern surgical services, advanced diagnostic imaging capabilities, specialized clinics and intensive care beds, medicine, birthing, pediatrics and many specialized programs. The hospital will create more than 1,000 jobs in our community. I look forward to the significant role this state-of-the-art facility will play in addressing the healthcare needs of our city for years to come. 

"In a first-of-its-kind initiative in Vaughan, the City is leading a collaboration with Mackenzie Health, ventureLAB and York University to transform the 82-acre parcel of land adjacent to Cortellucci Vaughan Hospital known as the Vaughan Healthcare Centre Precinct (VHCP). Collaboration between the partners will generate economic opportunities, post-secondary education, research innovation, training and development, and enhance the delivery of modern front-line healthcare for patients. The Vaughan Healthcare Centre Precinct Advisory Task Force has been formed to oversee the development of the vision and priorities for making Vaughan a globally-recognized exemplar of a healthy city. 

"This summer, Metrolinx announced that Clark Avenue station will be included as a neighbourhood station as part of the Yonge North Subway Extension. The City of Vaughan has always been a strong advocate for the Yonge North Subway Extension. This project is critical to those who live, work and commute in Vaughan and beyond. Commuters in Vaughan, York Region and the GTA can look forward to increased access to transit and reduced travel times. This link will better connect our community to an expanding regional transportation network while driving economic opportunities along the Yonge Street corridor. By creating new connections, building mixed-use development and investing in transit infrastructure, we will further support Vaughan's growing communities and attract residents, businesses and talent to our city.

"This year also marks a decade of growth for the Vaughan Metropolitan Centre (VMC), which continues to be the largest and most ambitious project in the City's history. The heart of Vaughan's emerging downtown is now home to several transformational transit projects, including the VMC Subway, seven high-rise towers that are now fully occupied, two new commercial office buildings, immersive public art projects, community event spaces, and many other exciting developments. It is clear: Vaughan remains a city in demand.

"With numerous new projects on the horizon, including condominium developments that will play an important role in meeting future density goals, finding a complete range of housing options for our growing community remains a priority. The need for affordable housing is immediate, and the City continues to collaborate with other levels of government to bring diverse and affordable housing options to Vaughan. 

"Despite the universal challenges presented by COVID-19, I remain confident that Vaughan's economic recovery will be strong. Over the past ten years, the city's economic growth rate has far outpaced the province and country. If that trajectory continues, we will have impressive growth in this city, which is good news for everyone living and working in Vaughan. 

"The City of Vaughan takes the management and stewardship of public funds very seriously and continues to demonstrate financial leadership and discipline. Vaughan proudly maintains one of the lowest and most competitive tax rates in the Greater Toronto Area. The City has passed budgets with a property tax rate at or below three per cent for the last eleven years. The 2022 Budget and 2023 to 2026 Capital Plan are rooted in fiscal sustainability and serve to secure greater efficiencies and maximize every dollar we are entrusted to manage. They will guide our recovery efforts and prioritize our investments to ensure Vaughan's continued success. 

"Our sound approach to public finances and commitment to open, accountable and transparent governance is being recognized. Recently, the Toronto Star published an article with the headline, "Vaughan tops the list of the least expensive cities for residential property taxes." This is yet another testament to our ability to be fiscally responsible while providing value for citizens' hard-earned tax dollars. 

"As a truly green city, we are committed to building safe, accessible and sustainable spaces for everyone to enjoy. At 900 acres, North Maple Regional Park (NMRP) is the City's most ambitious park development yet and is larger than New York City's Central Park. The City is currently enhancing the trail system at NMRP, including paving existing trails and creating new ones, providing additional seating, planting more trees and flowers, installing new signage, and replacing the Nevada Park Bridge. Construction is anticipated to be completed by the spring of 2022.

"This year, Niagara University, Vaughan's first university, celebrated its second anniversary since opening its doors in the VMC in 2019. This world-class institution has expanded educational opportunities for people in Vaughan and beyond with the addition of three new programs. Creating greater opportunities for learning and development is a critical part of supporting a healthy population and a resilient economy.

"On Nov. 23, I was pleased to host the inaugural Vaughan-Ramla Summit in partnership with Mayor Michael Vidal from the City of Ramla, Israel. The virtual summit represents a significant milestone for the long and enduring relationship between the cities of Vaughan and Ramla. It also marks the second anniversary since the City of Vaughan led a business mission to Israel in 2019. Vaughan is a city that is truly blessed with multicultural diversity and economic strength that continues to attract foreign direct investment. The inaugural Vaughan-Ramla Summit demonstrates our long-standing commitment to working with our global partners to ensure Vaughan's continued success. I look forward to serving as Chair of the Ontario Municipal Leaders’ Summit on Antisemitism being hosted by the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA) on Jan. 21, 2022.

"With a mission to foster a barrier-free community that is diverse, inclusive and welcoming, Vaughan is a city where everyone is empowered to reach their full potential. In February, Council approved the City's 2019-2022 Multi-year Accessibility Plan, which identifies how the City will create a barrier-free community with universal access to its programs, services and facilities. This plan will help ensure people of any age and ability are treated in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence. In addition, I am proud that the City of Vaughan has been recognized as the municipality with the most Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility Certification-rated sites in Ontario and the most Gold sites in Canada. This significant achievement speaks to our long-standing commitment to move our city forward without leaving anyone behind.

“As a City and Council, we remain focused on fostering a diverse, welcoming and inclusive community where everyone feels valued, respected and can thrive. As part of this commitment, we welcomed Zincia Francis as the City of Vaughan’s first-ever Diversity and Inclusion Officer in January. In this new senior-level, full-time role residing in the Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer, Ms. Francis leads the organization’s diversity and inclusion activities, provides strategic guidance and advises on policies, processes and procedures related to diversity. 

"To commemorate Orange Shirt Day and the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, on Sept. 30, our community paused to reflect upon and remember the First Nation, Métis and Inuit victims and survivors of residential schools in Canada. The atrocities of the residential school system mark a dark chapter of Canada's history, which continues to be felt by individuals and communities across the country. The City of Vaughan is committed to ongoing discussions, learning and work towards the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada's Calls to Action – and acknowledgment is the first of many steps. I believe that we cannot move forward without reconciliation. By working together towards the shared goal of creating a truly inclusive and equitable society, we can foster a city, province and nation where every child matters.

"As home to Canada's first smart hospital, York Region's first subway station with another on the way, a vibrant downtown core, a 900-acre park and a world-class university, Vaughan remains a city of choice. Our momentum is accelerated by exceptional citizens, an innovative entrepreneurial spirit and our unwavering commitment to good governance. Ultimately, that is what sets Vaughan apart, and we continue to focus on these priorities as we look ahead to 2022. 

"I am confident that Vaughan's transformation is only just beginning, and look forward to working together as a community to unleash our city's full potential. I want to extend my warmest and sincerest best wishes to all citizens as we prepare the celebrate the holiday season and welcome the new year. With several significant city-building initiatives on the horizon, for our city, the best is yet to come!"
