Mayor Bevilacqua responds to Federal Budget

Vaughan is working with government partners to deliver real results for citizens
Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua issued the following statement in response to the 2019 federal budget:
“Budget 2019 — Investing in the Middle Class aligns with the transformational work that is currently underway in Vaughan. It presents a series of important nation-building initiatives to advance the city-building priorities for our community.
“Vaughan enjoys a strong and productive relationship with the federal government. Working together, we continue to secure new investments to continue building our city, while at the same time reducing the burden on hardworking taxpayers.
“We welcome the government’s commitment of $2.2 billion to municipalities through the federal Gas Tax. For Vaughan, this means an anticipated investment of more than $18 million. This funding will be dedicated to modernizing critical infrastructure like our extensive network of roads, bridges and highways. These corridors link Vaughan to the Toronto Region and to important international trade gateways. Our competitive economy relies on this network to move goods, services and people forward.
“Vaughan and other municipalities will further benefit from the federal government’s $180 billion Investing in Canada infrastructure plan. We look forward to securing additional investments to get shovels in the ground, people working and projects completed.
“As a Smart City, we welcome plans to expand broadband Internet. During my 2019 keynote address to the business community at the annual Vaughan Chamber of Commerce’s Luncheon, I announced that the City signed an agreement with Bell Canada to bring next-generation fibre optic broadband network connectivity to every home and business in Vaughan.
“I am encouraged by proposed changes aimed at giving more people a greater opportunity to purchase a home. Vaughan is a city of choice. Families dream of starting a life here. We continue to build a future where no one is left behind. We have several mixed-use developments currently being planned or underway in communities like the Vaughan Metropolitan Centre, our emerging downtown core.
“The introduction of a Housing Supply Challenge mirrors the efforts already underway in Vaughan. We have shown leadership on this issue by teaming with other levels of government to ensure more affordable housing gets built. We also approved a secondary suites policy, resulting in more people having a place to call home.
“On the same day the federal government presented its budget, Council approved our City’s Service Excellence Strategic Plan – a roadmap that will guide our efforts over the current 2018-2022 Term of Council bringing into focus the high-level expectations we share for our city. We have a renewed focused to address important initiatives, including: transportation and mobility; environmental stewardship; active, safe and diverse communities; and economic prosperity, investment and social capital.
“We know that by working together with our federal partners, not only can we meet those expectations – we can exceed them. Our residents see progress and growth being undertaken all around them. We have a subway connected to the heart of the Vaughan Metropolitan Centre; Canada’s first state-of-the-art smart hospital, Mackenzie Vaughan Hospital, will soon be complete; we recently welcomed Niagara University, the first university in Vaughan and York Region; and Phase One of the new 900-acre North Maple Regional Park is complete. These are among the most notable city-building initiatives being realized in Vaughan – all while achieving $30 million in savings since 2015.
“Sound public finances, fiscal transparency and Service Excellence have been fundamental to our success and remain integral to our plans for the future. Building upon this strong fiscal foundation, I will continue working with Council, our valued government partners, as well as the broader community to keep driving this city forward.”