Mayor Bevilacqua: Vaughan wins E.A. Danby Award – Certificate of Merit

City of Vaughan
Public Works team recognized for the City's Winter Maintenance Artificial Intelligence System

The following statement was issued by Vaughan Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua after a special virtual presentation during the June 22 Council meeting:

"I am pleased to announce the City of Vaughan has received the E.A. Danby Award – Certificate of Merit in the category of Municipal Administration for the City's Winter Maintenance Artificial Intelligence System. This award is administered through the Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario (AMCTO), an organization representing and promoting excellence in local government management and leadership. Each year, the E.A. Danby Award is given to municipalities that apply innovative techniques to produce tangible results with positive outcomes.

"As a City, we take pride in being innovative and forward-thinking. This award further demonstrates staff's commitment to Service Excellence and our mission to put citizens first in everything we do. Every day in every way, Vaughan's dedicated Public Works professionals work tirelessly to ensure our city runs smoothly and safely. The team continuously strives to implement new and innovative technologies that improve the delivery of critical services while maximizing the value of taxpayers' hard-earned dollars.

"The City uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, known as the Maintenance Decision Support System, in its winter road maintenance operations. This technology leverages weather forecasts, real-time road condition data and Vaughan's operating best practices to recommend the best treatment for the City's roads and sidewalks. I am proud that Vaughan was the first municipality in Canada to use this technology, which has since been adopted throughout Ontario. This achievement reinforces Vaughan as a leader in our city-building efforts.

"Although salt application is an important and necessary part of keeping roads and motorists safe throughout the winter, it can adversely impact the environment. Since the adoption of this innovative AI technology in 2020, the City has reduced salt usage by 30 per cent and saved approximately $400,000 to date. This has positively affected environmental and fiscal sustainability and, most importantly, enhanced the citizen experience.

"I want to extend my gratitude and appreciation to the Transportation and Fleet Management Services department and the entire Public Works team for their efforts to ensure essential services proceed without disruption. I offer my sincere congratulations on this outstanding achievement.” 
