Menorah Lighting Held At Civic Centre

City of Vaughan
In celebration of the Jewish holiday Chanukah, the Mayor and Members of Council joined residents, guests and City staff yesterday to mark the occasion with the lighting of the menorah.

Chanukah, also known as the Festival of Lights, is an eight-day holiday celebrated each year to commemorate the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem in the second century BCE. The menorah, or holiday candelabra, is the most recognizable symbol of Chanukah.

"Chanukah's message is light can overcome darkness," said the Honourable Maurizio Bevilacqua, Mayor of Vaughan. "People of all faiths consider Chanukah to be a universal symbol of freedom over oppression. A simple candle can light a room and kindness can change a life. By performing acts of kindness we shed light and brighten the world. We are a proud, diverse, multicultural community that celebrates the holiday season together."
Rabbi Mendel Kaplan, the founder and spiritual leader of Chabad@Flamingo, presided over the ceremony and the children's choir Shmuel Zahavy Cheder Chabad provided entertainment. Special jelly donuts called “sufganyot,” traditional treats celebrating Chanukah, were enjoyed by those attending the event.