‘Nature in Your Neighbourhood’

TRCA nov

Join us on Nov. 3 to learn about the changing seasons

Fall is known for spooky festivities, sweater weather and everything pumpkin spice-flavoured – but have you ever wondered how the change of seasons impacts nature? For example, what the significance of the fall harvest is? Or how different animals prepare for the winter months ahead? 


You’re invited to learn about all this and more at the ‘Nature in Your Neighbourhood’ event on Friday, Nov. 3. 


Taking place at the J.E.H. MacDonald House (121 Centre St.) from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., join staff from the City of Vaughan, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA), and Kandy Kennedy of KKennedy Indigenous Consulting for a fun, family-friendly evening. The informative event focuses on the changing seasons, the Indigenous Ways of Knowing – the knowledge shared from generation to generation within Indigenous communities – about the fall harvest, the unique adaptations wildlife use to get ready for winter and more. There will also be on-site activities to enjoy. 


Space is limited – register now to confirm your attendance. If any accessibility requirements are needed, please indicate them at the time of registration. The event is intended for ages six and above; and adult accompaniment is required. 


Learn more on Vaughan’s Environmental Sustainability Events webpage. Questions and comments can be emailed directly to the project team at environment@vaughan.ca


This event is being held as part of the City’s Thornhill Sustainable Neighbourhood Action Program (SNAP). Initiated by the TRCA, the SNAP mission is simple – to create sustainable, livable communities. The program aligns the City’s objectives with your best interests to make improvements, like renovating infrastructure, upgrading paths and parks, and helping homeowners improve their energy efficiency. 


The program also looks for urban renewal opportunities, such as flood risk reduction, energy and water conservation, tree planting, natural heritage enhancements, walkability and accessibility improvements, arts and culture opportunities and more. Find out what’s planned in the Thornhill SNAP Action Plan. Over the next five years, the SNAP team will work with the community and City staff to bring the projects to life. 


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