New Vaughan Park Features Variety of Physical Fitness Activities

City of Vaughan
Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua and Members of Council were recently joined by residents to mark the official opening of Hillside Park.

“We are extremely proud of the exceptional standards that have been set in the City of Vaughan when it comes to providing high quality parks and recreational facilities for our residents,” said Mayor Bevilacqua. “Hillside Park is another example of the City’s commitment to creating healthy communities by providing an opportunity for children and adults to add physical fitness activities into their daily lives.” 
Hillside Park is located at 549 Vellore Park Avenue in the community of Woodbridge and features a mini soccer field, baseball diamond, basketball area, junior skateboard area, junior and senior playgrounds, and central plaza with seating areas. It is 3.3 hectares in size.
“The City’s parks are important focal points and gathering places where new residents can meet their neighbours, and children can make new friends,” said Ward 3 Councillor Rosanna DeFrancesca. “With summer now upon us, I encourage everyone to take full advantage of Vaughan’s newest park, which I know will
bring joy to residents in the community for years to come.” 
An unidentified resident enjoying the new skateboard area at Hillside Park.