Participate in Plastic Free July!

a metal water bottle, glass, metal straws and wooden utensils

Challenge yourself to refuse single-use plastics this month


Single-use plastics make up most of the plastic litter found in freshwater environments. In fact, Canadians throw away over 3 million tonnes of plastic waste every year. That’s why the City of Vaughan joins the Plastic Free July movement annually. It’s a global campaign that encourages everyone to reduce or eliminate single-use plastics from their life to decrease pollution in streets, waterways and greenspaces.


We’re challenging you to go plastic-free for all of July! That means don’t buy any new single-use plastics this month, including:

  • Coffee cups
  • Coffee pods
  • Plastic wrap
  • Produce bags
  • Straws
  • Shopping bags
  • Water bottles
  • and more!


Are you up to the task? Then commit to the plastic-free challenge by signing up on the official Plastic Free July website! When you do, you will receive tips and tricks right to your inbox throughout July to help you stay motivated.


Not sure where to start? Going plastic-free is easier than you think! Simply swap single-use plastic items for reusable ones. Here are some examples:

  • Going through the drive-thru? Keep a clean travel mug, cup and reusable straw in your car instead of taking the to-go cups and straws provided by the food establishment.
  • Pack a waste-free lunch. Replace plastic sandwich bags with reusable containers or thermoses.
  • Instead of using plastic bags for your purchases, bring reusable cloth bags when shopping. Keep some in your car or folded up in your handbag or pocket so you won’t forget.
  • Forget disposable coffee pods – use a French press or pour-over coffee maker instead.
  • Got leftovers? Instead of plastic wrap, use beeswax wrap or a reusable container to store your food.
  • Choose items with less plastic packaging when grocery shopping. Look for products that come either boxed or in glass or metal containers, as these materials can be recycled many times over.
  • Buy bread from the bakery section instead of the plastic-wrapped section – it’s also fresher that way!
  • Buy fresh lemons and limes instead of bottled citrus juice. Remember to place the peels in your green bin.
  • Ditch bottled liquid hand soap and use bar soap instead.
  • Swap your plastic toothbrush for a bamboo toothbrush – it’s biodegradable!
  • Shop local. Farmer’s markets often reuse egg cartons and berry baskets, and veggies are typically free of plastic and stickers.


Spread the word and share how you’re going plastic-free this month by using the hashtag #PlasticFreeJuly on social media.


For more tips and resources to help you eliminate plastic use this month – and beyond! – visit the Plastic Free July website.


The City is committed to protecting and respecting our environment and fostering a sustainable community today and for future generations. We are doing our part to preserve the natural environment while using environmental protection principles in every initiative undertaken. Learn more about Vaughan’s waste reduction commitments.


For more information on the City’s waste services, visit


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