Pietro Adamo Exhibition on Display at Vaughan City Hall

July 28, 2013

Luminous Vaughan: Paintings by Pietro Adamo, the first exhibition in a new annual Resident Artist Series, is now on display in the Vaughan City Hall Atrium Gallery at 2141 Major Mackenzie Dr. The exhibition is open to the public Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. until Sept. 6.

Co-ordinated by Vaughan’s Recreation and Culture department, the Resident Artist Series celebrates the outstanding talent of highly accomplished local artists. This year’s exhibition features abstract paintings by internationally acclaimed Vaughan artist Pietro Adamo, widely recognized for his vibrant use of bold, highly saturated colour and textured patterns.  

Adamo’s monumental mixed-media compositions synthesize a deep affinity for his natural surroundings, strong bonds to his Italian heritage and his ability to interpret, through paint, his extensive travels. His recent paintings are largely inspired by his frequent treks closer to home along the Humber River near his Kleinburg studio.

For more information about Luminous Vaughan: Paintings by Pietro Adamo, contact Sharon Gaum-Kuchar, Arts Co-ordinator, at 905-832-8585 ext. 7428.

Pietro Adamo images