Plan ahead for winter storms

City of Vaughan
Safety tips from Vaughan Fire and Rescue Service to help you prepare for this season

Winter weather can bring strong winds that may knock out the power and large amounts of snow that can quickly cover the roads. Whether at home or travelling, it’s important to have a plan and emergency supplies that will help protect you and your family. Use the following tips from Vaughan Fire and Rescue Service to stay safe during the winter.

Be prepared for winter driving so you and your loved ones can travel safely. Before heading out, check the weather and traffic. If significant weather is in the forecast, consider delaying your trip. If you must travel, slow down and drive according to weather and road conditions. Always keep an emergency kit in your vehicle that includes:

  • ice scraper, brush and shovel
  • traction mats/sand/salt
  • blankets and extra clothes
  • booster cables and a small tool kit
  • emergency flares and a tow chain
  • first aid kit
  • flashlight and spare batteries
  • water and non-perishable food
  • matches and survival candle
  • vehicle fluids (windshield washer, anti-freeze)
  • fire extinguisher
  • extra gasoline
  • maps
  • axe or hatchet
  • mini air compressor

To prepare for a power outage or another emergency that requires your family to stay indoors, build an emergency kit for your home with enough supplies to last at least 72 hours. Your kit should include:

  • blankets or sleeping bags
  • candles and waterproof matches/lighter
  • water (four litres per person per day)
  • canned food (soups, stews, pasta, etc.) and manual can opener
  • high protein snacks (e.g. granola bars)
  • change of clothes (one per person)
  • flashlight and extra batteries
  • radio
  • whistle
  • colouring books, games and playing cards
  • first aid kit and non-prescription medications
  • important papers (identification, passports, etc.)
  • hygiene supplies and toilet paper
  • old cotton bed sheet
  • duct tape and aluminum foil
  • permanent markers
  • plastic garbage bags

You already have most of these items in your home or vehicle. Storing these items together in a backpack, duffel bag or storage bin will help you be prepared for an emergency and minimize panic in case one occurs.

For more information about planning for an emergency, visit If your power goes out, visit Alectra Utilities’ website for outage details or call 1-833-253-2872 for more information.

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