Prevent flooding by keeping catch basins clear of snow and ice

shoveling snow off a catch basin

With snow and rain in the forecast over the next few days, catch basins – the drains in the road that move melted snow and rainwater to stormwater ponds – need to be clear. When they’re blocked or concealed, streets can’t drain properly, which can lead to water ponding and flooding. You can help prevent this from happening!


The resident living closest to a catch basin is encouraged to help clear it of snow, ice and other debris, if it’s safe to do so. If you see a sewer or street flooding, call Service Vaughan immediately at 905-832-2281 or email


By doing your part this winter, you’ll be making a positive difference in keeping the community safe and our winter operations running smoothly. To learn about the City of Vaughan’s winter operations or for more safety tips, visit


For more information on the City’s stormwater system, visit


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