Recognize an individual or business fostering an accessible environment in Vaughan

2024 Accessibility Champion Awards

The City of Vaughan wants to recognize accessibility champions helping to pave the way to a barrier-free community! An accessibility champion is someone who advocates for an accessible city, a group working to advance inclusivity practices or a business that invents a product or service for people with disabilities. Does this sound like a person or business you know? Nominate them for a 2024 Vaughan Accessibility Champion Award by Friday, Feb. 16


Established in 2019 by Vaughan’s Accessibility Advisory Committee, this award – which is presented every other year – honours businesses, groups and individuals helping to create an accommodating and inclusive community for all.


Here’s everything you need to know to submit a nomination:



Vaughan Accessibility Champions can be nominated in the following five categories:



Individuals or businesses being nominated for an Accessibility Champion Award must provide goods or services to people with disabilities in Vaughan or go above and beyond to enrich and improve the quality of life for people with disabilities. This could include a business that implemented significant accessibility upgrades to their workplace or an individual who advocated for greater access and inclusion for people living with a disability.


Nomination process:

To submit a nomination for the 2024 awards:

  1. Visit the City’s Accessibility Champion Award webpage.

  2. Click on the categories to review the award information packages, which outline the eligibility, consent and conflict of interest.

  3. Have the nominee sign the Consent and Conflict of Interest Declaration Form in the applicable award package.

  4. Complete the nomination form and submit it with the signed declaration form and any supporting documents which highlight the nominee’s accomplishments.


If you require assistance with the nomination form or would like to receive an alternative format, please call Service Vaughan at 905-832-2281 or email


Selection process:

Recipients will be selected by the Accessibility Advisory Committee during the Monday, March 25 advisory committee meeting. The successful candidates will be notified soon after. 


Award ceremony:

Award recipients will be honoured at an award ceremony in May. 


The Accessibility Champion Awards is one way the City is fostering an inclusive community for all. Learn more about how the City is championing accessibility in Vaughan’s Multi-year Accessibility Plan.


Visit to learn more.


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