Protect our space, leave no trace

City of Vaughan
Keeping Vaughan safe, clean and beautiful is a community effort

Did you know the City of Vaughan manages more than 700 hectares (over 1,700 acres) of parks and open space throughout the city? That’s a lot of beautiful greenery for residents to enjoy – but only when kept litter-free! You can make a big difference in helping to ensure these spaces remain safe, clean and beautiful.  

Do your part
When visiting City parks or trails, remember to use the waste bins provided. If they are full, take your garbage and pet waste home with you. Pet waste belongs in the green bin at home and waste bins when in the community. 

Here are some more tips to help you do your part to keep Vaughan litter-free:

  • Prevent wind-blown litter by not overfilling your blue boxes and putting heavier items on top of lighter ones on windy days or consider putting recycling out the following week.
  • Consider purchasing additional City blue boxes or using a larger blue box (up to 121 litres, no lids or wheels) to ensure enough space for your recyclables.
  • Put waste items where they belong – in the proper bins. Coffee cups go in the garbage along with personal protective equipment, such as masks, gloves, wipes and plastic bags. Plastic water, juice and pop bottles belong in recycling.
  • If you have extra garbage bags on collection day, drop them off at the York Region waste depot for safe disposal – fees will apply.
  • Take flyers and mail home to recycle.

Reports of litter
The City has received reports of littering on public and private property. Littering and illegal dumping are prohibited under the  Dumping By-law 103-2020 (PDF). Those who do not keep their properties clear of litter, waste and debris may be subject to a $500 fine for each offence. As well, the City may have the waste and debris removed at the owner’s expense and it may be subject to a Notice/ Order to Comply. Failing to obey a Notice/ Order to Comply is a chargeable offence. 

To report full or overfilled bins around the community, or to report illegal dumping, please call the City at 905-832-2281 or by email at 

The City’s role in reducing litter
Over the summer, the City introduced mechanical litter collection vacuum units – another way Public Works is elevating its resources to stay on top of litter collection on our boulevards and sidewalks. The City also conducts a yearly cleaning blitz – over 30,000 kilograms (300 tonnes) of illegally dumped waste have been collected from Vaughan’s parks and open spaces this year. 

By helping to reduce litter, you are demonstrating respect for your neighbours, neighbourhoods and shared community spaces. Let’s ensure Vaughan remains a place where residents and visitors can live, work and play in a clean and healthy city.   

For more information on litter reduction initiatives in Vaughan, visit 

The City of Vaughan is committed to protecting and respecting the environment and fostering a sustainable community today and for future generations. That’s why Environmental Stewardship is a priority in the City’s 2018-2022 Term of Council Service Excellence Strategic Plan. 

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