Registered in the City’s Pre-authorized Tax Payment program?

City of Vaughan
What you need to know for the 2022 interim property tax bill cycle

Are you part of the City of Vaughan’s Pre-authorized Tax Payment programs? If so, you should have already received your 2022 interim property tax bill in the mail. Please note, a change has been made this year to the number of instalments for the monthly plan – program members are now back to paying the property taxes in 11 withdrawals.   

The bill also displays a "DO NOT PAY" message. This is to remind you that payments for each instalment will be automatically withdrawn on each due date listed on the bill. No further action from program members is required to make a payment. 

Here’s how the 11 instalments will be withdrawn: In 2022, interim property tax payments from January to July will be calculated based on half of last year’s property tax amount, divided by seven payments. The final property tax bill for the year – the remaining four payments from August to November – will account for the other half of the remaining property tax value, divided by four payments. This means program members will notice a difference in 2022 for both their interim and final property tax payment amounts. 

Here are a few frequently asked questions to help you learn more about this program. 

Why am I receiving my 2022 interim property tax bill in December 2021?
As part of the City’s transition to a new property tax software, and the requirement for the legislated notification period, the City is now required to let residents in the Pre-authorized Tax Payment program know about their 2022 interim property tax earlier than in prior years. In response, interim  notices are now being mailed to plan members in the month of December. 

Why has the way my 2022 interim property tax bill is calculated changed?
The way the 2022 interim property tax bill is calculated was re-evaluated as part of the City’s transition to a new property tax software. The transition to the new software is part of enhancing the City’s operational performance, a strategic priority of our 2018-2022 Term of Council Service Excellence Strategic Plan that aims to foster innovation and continuous improvement. 

How do I change my payment option or opt out of the 2022 Pre-authorized Tax Payment program?
To change your program payment option, you must fill out the Pre-authorized Tax Payment Plan Application Form (PDF). To opt out of the program, you must fill out the Pre-authorized Payment Cancellation Form (PDF). The completed form can be emailed to, faxed to 905-832-8566 or mailed to the City of Vaughan’s Tax Department (2141 Major Mackenzie Dr. W., Vaughan, ON, L6A 1T1). 

Can I still apply to the 2022 Pre-authorized Tax Payment program?
The deadline to apply for this year’s program closed in November 2021, as the first automatic withdrawal is on Jan. 1, 2022. The next opportunity to apply will be in March 2022 for the remainder of your 2022 property taxes and your 2023 property taxes. More information on program registration will be available on in the coming months. 

Does the City offer other payment options aside from the Pre-authorized Tax Payment program?
Yes. There are many other ways property owners can make payments, including by post-dated cheques, via drop-off box at Vaughan City Hall, through financial institutions or by mail. Learn more about all options at

Where can I get more information?
For more information, visit Questions can be directed to Access Vaughan, the City’s contact centre, at 905-832-2281 or by email at 
