Sorting out the holiday season!

City of Vaughan
Learn what goes where before throwing away wrapping paper, food and more


Many festive celebrations are upon us this month, but don’t let the holiday cheer get in the way of properly sorting and disposing of waste materials!

Follow these reminders from the City of Vaughan on what to do with excess wrapping paper, gift bags, disposable cutlery, napkins, leftover food and more:

Wrapping paper, gift bags and ribbons

Cardboard boxes, wrapping paper and gift bags that are 100 per cent paper go in the blue box. Ensure cardboard is broken down, flattened and bundled securely with string. Ribbons, rope handles, foil-type paper and cards with glitter are all harmful to the recycling process – place these in the garbage.

Aluminum trays, black plastic containers and disposable cutlery

Emptied and rinsed aluminum trays can be disposed of in the blue box – be sure to wash away all food residue. Oils, fats and grease (for example, from bacon or turkey) go in the green bin, never down the drain.

Black plastic cannot be recycled in Vaughan and must go in the garbage – this includes black plastic forks, knives, spoons and containers, often used for takeout.

Paper plates, paper towels and napkins

Paper plates, paper towels and napkins go in the green bin. Using your green bin is easy! Place items in compostable bags if you can, but plastic bags are also accepted. Please bag and tie securely and ensure green bins set out to the curb weigh less than 20.5 kilograms (45 pounds).

Food leftovers

If you have leftovers, don’t just throw them away and add to landfills – consider taking these actions to reduce food waste:

  • Get creative with leftovers by transforming them into a new meal for another day.
  • Plan meals ahead so you only buy what you will eat.
  • Store or freeze perishable items such as meat and produce properly so they last longer. Check York Region’s Good Food resource page for instructions and ideas.
  • Turn food scraps into compost to fertilize your garden. The City sells backyard composters online at
  • As a last resort, place leftover food in the green bin. Green bin material is transformed into nutrient-rich compost that is used to fertilize farmers’ fields.

Christmas tree collection

Starting Tuesday, Jan. 3 until Friday, Jan. 13, you can place Christmas trees curbside on your regularly scheduled collection day. Be sure to remove all tinsel and ornaments, and do not put the tree in a plastic bag. Ensure it is placed off the road and snowbanks so collection staff can access it safely. If you have broken glass ornaments, safely package the pieces in a cardboard box labelled “broken glass.”

More waste sorting help

If you’re still unsure where a waste item belongs, download the Recycle Coach App through the Apple App Store or Google Play for sorting information. The app provides waste-less tips and a personalized collection schedule with optional alerts on what to put to the curb each week. The City also offers an online sorting tool to quickly and easily check what item goes where using the search bar.

Buy new City-issued blue boxes and green bins

If you need a new blue box or green bin, you can purchase them in person at select community centres or online through Service Vaughan and have them delivered right to your door. If your current City-issued blue box or green bin is damaged, sign up online to exchange it for a new one at

For more information about waste services in Vaughan, visit

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