Statement on City of Vaughan 2017 budget

Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua has issued the following statement.
The City of Vaughan’s 2017 budget is a reflection of our commitment to continue to meet the needs of our growing community and build upon the strong fiscal foundation we have established. With a focus on citizens, we have developed a comprehensive plan that respects your hard-earned tax dollars while delivering excellence in programs and services.
Vaughan continues to have one of the lowest tax rates in the GTA and our residents get great value for their money. The City receives 28 per cent of the total residential property tax bill, with the rest going to York Region and the Province of Ontario. And yet, when compared to the average monthly household spending on items such as gas, cable and internet, hydro, and car insurance – Vaughan citizens pay less per month for the more than 200 City services they receive.
In 2015, I tabled a motion to keep property tax increases to no more than three per cent each year for this term, which was fully supported by all Members of Council. I am proud to say that we have kept that promise for 2017. This budget reinforces our dedication to fiscal responsibility and includes $3.3 million in savings, while committing $260 million for 369 projects that will contribute to city-building and our growth requirements for the future.
Our City’s annual budget is $391 million and includes $114 million for investment and renewal of our infrastructure and assets. This includes $2.5 million for re-establishing our urban tree canopy, $9.5 million for improving the municipal road network and developing options to help people get around the City and, $9.7 million to support arts, culture, heritage and sports in the community.
Once again this year we reached out to you for your thoughts and comments on our draft budget, and you responded by attending the public meetings and providing valuable feedback throughout the year. I’d like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone – we appreciate your contributions.
Vaughan’s transformation continues and this budget reflects our goal of moving the city forward while also delivering services more effectively and efficiently. It builds upon the strong fiscal foundation we have created for our growing community. Our goal is to continue to pursue opportunities that will take Vaughan to a higher level and achieve our goal of building a world-class city.