Statement: Mayor Bevilacqua bestows Jean Augustine with the Key to the City

City of Vaughan
Council approves naming of Jean Augustine Complex and Jean Augustine District Park

Vaughan Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua issued the following statement after announcing in today’s Council meeting that he will present the Honourable Jean Augustine with the Key to the City, and the City will name the Jean Augustine Complex and Jean Augustine District Park in her honour:

“I am pleased to announce that the Honourable Jean Augustine will be bestowed with the Key to the City of Vaughan. This distinguished honour is reserved for individuals who have made significant and enduring contributions to Canadian society and the world. Ms. Augustine is very deserving of this honour. Her values, principles and beliefs reflect the highest standards of public service.

“Jean Augustine is a passionate educator and a life-long public servant. She is a trailblazer and a nation builder. I have long admired her passion, dedication and conviction towards advancing important social issues related to fairness, equality and justice and feel blessed to have had the opportunity to work alongside her during her time in Parliament.

“Jean Augustine made history by becoming the first African Canadian woman elected to the Parliament of Canada as well as the first African Canadian woman appointed to the federal cabinet.

“She is a Member of the Order of Canada, Order of Ontario, and a Commander of the British Empire as well as the recipient of multiple honourary doctorates and countless awards. She served as Ontario’s Fairness Commissioner, advocating for Canadians with foreign credentials and served as the National President of the Congress of Black Women of Canada.

“During her time as MP, Ms. Augustine introduced the motion that allowed for the placement of the Famous Five statue on Parliament Hill as well as the motion that led to the creation of Black History Month in Canada, which was officially recognized in December 1995 by the House of Commons. It stands as an important celebration that unites communities, like Vaughan, and honours men and women who have made lasting city-building and nation-building contributions. I clearly remember her motion in the House of Commons that day, and I was proud to support it.

“I was honoured to serve alongside Ms. Augustine, to advance issues of national and international importance. We quickly learned that we had much in common – we were both immigrants and deeply passionate about social justice, equality and human rights. In Parliament, we were allies. Together as MPs, we travelled the country advancing an agenda that promoted social justice.

“One of the greatest privileges of public life is the opportunity to work with exceptional individuals who give of themselves, in a very selfless way, to the noble mission of creating a fair and just society. On behalf of the citizens of Vaughan, I want to express my gratitude to Ms. Augustine for her personal sacrifice and dedication to advancing social justice, race relations and multiculturalism in Canada and beyond.

“That is why, I cannot think of a better name for the area consisting of the Rosemount Community Centre, the City Playhouse Theatre and Westmount Collegiate Institute, including the soccer field and baseball diamond, than the Jean Augustine Complex and Jean Augustine District Park.

“It is my hope that through this recognition, more people and future generations will be inspired to follow in her footsteps.”


  • The establishment of the official Key to the City protocol was presented by Mayor Bevilacqua in a Member’s Resolution dated Nov. 3, 2015 and was unanimously approved by Council.
  • The Key to the City of Vaughan is presented at the discretion of the Mayor.
  • The practice of giving a key can be traced back to medieval times when the gates to walled cities were guarded during the day and locked at night – the key was a sign of freedom as the recipient could enter and leave as a trusted friend.


  • June 2019 statement – Mayor Bevilacqua meets with Hon. Jean Augustine
  • Mayor Bevilacqua’s Member’s Resolution (PDF) establishing the Key to the City
  • February 2014 news release – Vaughan Celebrates International Women’s Day
  • Jean Augustine’s personal website
