Statement: Vaughan and Ramla renew global partnership

City of Vaughan
Mayor Bevilacqua and Ramla Mayor Vidal sign MOU to advance cultural opportunities
During the City of Vaughan’s 2019 Israel trade mission, Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua and Michael Vidal, Mayor of Ramla, Israel, signed a memorandum of understanding that seeks to advance shared cultural opportunities and experiences between both cities. The following is a statement by Mayor Bevilacqua to mark the occasion:
“For more than 25 years, the cities of Vaughan and Ramla have maintained an important international partnership. In June 2019, I wrote to Mayor Vidal, outlining my desire to continue, reaffirm and modernize the Vaughan-Ramla relationship.
“During our trade mission to Israel, Mayor Vidal and I took a significant step forward to renew this global partnership by focusing on initiatives that will result in sharing best practices and developing new approaches to cultural development.
“The memorandum of understanding (MOU) that we have signed commits our two municipalities to develop a comprehensive four-year action plan that advances cultural opportunities and elevates the quality of life for citizens and visitors to our communities. The MOU calls for the establishment of a new, robust and accountable framework to ensure this action plan has clearly stated goals and objectives.
“Strengthening the Vaughan-Ramla relationship signifies the enduring importance of Vaughan’s local Israel and Jewish diaspora. Each day, these individuals contribute to Vaughan as successful entrepreneurs, dedicated public servants and compassionate citizens committed to making a positive difference.
“Celebrating Israel's history and identity is fundamental to Vaughan. In May, the community came together to mark Jewish Heritage Month. The City proudly flew the flag of Israel at Vaughan City Hall during a special flag-raising ceremony to recognize Yom Ha'atzmaut, Israel Independence Day. Celebrations like Vaughan’s annual menorah lighting ceremonies to mark Chanukah have become much-anticipated traditions enjoyed by all people.
“Moving forward, I look forward to working closely with Mayor Vidal to deliver on the mandate of this MOU between our cities.”