Stay in the know about snow

City plow

Here at the City of Vaughan, it is important to keep the community safe, informed and moving throughout the winter.  


You can stay informed about the City’s winter operations by:


Whether we’re removing snow and ice from roads, paths, sidewalks or windrows, our crews work hard to ensure everyone can travel safely throughout Vaughan no matter the weather. We have a fleet of more than 230 vehicles on standby to service more than 2,200 lane kilometres of roads, more than 1,200 kilometres of sidewalks and park walkways, and 63 City-owned facilities.


How to submit a winter maintenance request 

Service Vaughan is open from Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. You can reach us at 905-832-2281. If you’re calling to report a municipal emergency after-hours, (such as an icy road or sidewalk), please stay on the line to be connected to the after-hours answering service. 


To report non-emergency winter maintenance service requests throughout the season, visit Service Vaughan