Strengthening governance and accountability

Internal Audit report demonstrates commitment to Service Excellence
Accountability is a cornerstone in building trust in an organization. As a leader in advancing a culture of excellence in governance, the City of Vaughan is committed to creating a positive corporate culture based on the values of respect, accountability and dedication.

Every two years, Internal Audit conducts a Corporate Governance and Accountability Survey to evaluate the effectiveness of the City’s governance and accountability framework. The 2017 survey results are in and show that there has been a significant improvement in employee morale from previous years. More than 900 staff participated – a jump from the approximately 600 respondents in 2015 and 2013 – which demonstrates a positive sign that people are more comfortable voicing their opinions on the organization.This sets an optimistic tone and influences the culture of the city.

Organizational effectiveness is one of the most important elements to establish employee and citizen trust. The positive responses in the latest Governance and Accountability Survey represent a refreshed workforce ready to aim higher in the pursuit of excellence. With engaged City Staff, committed to Service Excellence, the City continues to deliver the services that Vaughan residents appreciate every day.

As one of the fastest growing municipalities in the GTA, Vaughan is committed to investing in the community’s future and building on citizen experience to provide the most value to residents.

Governance and accountability are vital to Vaughan’s success. The greatest resource of any municipal government is its employees. The survey is an important assessment tool which allows us to make the necessary changes and improvements to provide the support required to achieve Council’s goals and deliver Service Excellence to our residents. City Manager, Daniel Kostopoulos and his team, have been able to implement a plan that enhances our quality of life and strengthens our community in a meaningful way. Our commitment to public service and enhancing the citizen experience is what drives us. We remain committed to making a positive contribution to the well-being of our great city.”
–Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua
  • Vaughan Council has committed to continue to advance a culture of excellence in governance as one of its top priorities for this Term of Council.
  • The survey questions were derived from a model developed by the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA).  The model, commonly known as the Criteria of Control or CoCo, includes many aspects of effective management such as:
    • Defining and Communicating Objectives
    • Identifying and Assessing Risks
    • Developing Strategic Plans
    • Establishing and Measuring Results Against Performance Targets/Indicators
    • Ethic and Values
  • Governance and accountability are cornerstones in building trust as an organization. The term “governance” refers to the structures and processes that are designed to ensure accountability, transparency, responsiveness, stability, inclusiveness and empowerment, while “accountability” refers to accepting responsibility or accounting for actions.

  • Internal Audit webpage
  • 2017 Corporate Governance and Accountability – Internal Audit Report