Top five tips to coexist with wildlife in Vaughan

Top five tips to coexist with wildlife in Vaughan

Vaughan is home to many types of wild animals, such as raccoons, skunks, birds, foxes and coyotes. By understanding some simple precautions, you and your family can learn how to live peacefully with urban wildlife. 


Here are our top five tips!


1. Don’t feed wildlife

Feeding wildlife is the primary cause of animal/human conflict. Directly or unintentionally feeding a wild animal will increase their tolerance to people and pets as they begin to associate people with food. Reconsider having bird feeders on your property as they attract small mammals – like mice, squirrels and rabbits – which encourage larger wild animals to visit your yard.


Not only can feeding wildlife have unintended consequences, it is illegal and subject to a fine of $500 under the City of Vaughan’s Animal Control By-law 066-2020 (PDF).


2. Do not trap, disturb or relocate any wild animal, nest, den or eggs on any public lands

Over the summer, coyote pups have been growing, and it is nearly time for them to start leaving their dens. Sightings often increase from September to December as young coyotes venture out in the fall to establish their own territory. Some juvenile (yearling) coyotes may remain with the family to help rear next year’s pups.

Although you may want to approach them out of curiosity or to take a picture, the City is reminding everyone to keep a safe distance from coyotes and their pups. Going near any wild animal den is not safe for you or the animals living in them. It is unlawful to disturb or cause distress to wildlife, and is subject to a $900 fine.


3. Know what to do if you encounter a coyote

If you encounter a coyote, keep your distance and keep pets on a short leash. If the coyote approaches you directly:

  • stop: pick up children and small pets, if necessary.
  • stand your ground: never run from a coyote, fox or domestic dog. 
  • make yourself big: wave your hands above your head.
  • be loud and assertive: shout, stomp your feet and clap your hands.
  • use a noisemaker: it could be your voice, pots and pans banged together, a shaker can (such as a pop can filled with pebbles), a plastic bag (snap it around), or an umbrella popping open and closed.
  • slowly back away: be assertive as you leave so the animal knows it is not welcome.


Animal Services officers are available to conduct property audits to identify coyote attractants and provide education on how to deter wildlife from your property. For more information and tips, visit


The Council-approved Coyote Response and Coexistence Strategy (PDF) outlines the City’s response efforts, as well as what you can do to help avoid or reduce interactions with coyotes. The actions outlined in this strategy are designed to increase your knowledge and understanding of how coyotes behave and how to manage their behaviour to reduce or eliminate conflicts.


4. Keep your home clean and sealed

Ensure your home is properly sealed so wildlife stays outdoors. Remove attractants and reduce the chance of spreading disease by picking up after your pets. Cleaning outdoor grills and securing recycling and compost bins is crucial to keeping out unwanted guests. Only put waste out on collection days, rather than leaving it at the curb overnight. Collect and store bins and any uncollected garbage on the same day.


5. Call the City if you see sick or injured wildlife

If you see a sick or injured wild animal, report it to Vaughan Animal Services as soon as possible: 


If you’re calling after hours, please call 905-832-2281 and press “0” to reach the after-hours dispatch team. Officers are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to respond to calls about sick or injured wildlife.


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