Introducing you to … our Planning and Growth Management team!

Intro PGM

The City of Vaughan is introducing you to some of the teams that work hard to support the residents and businesses that call this vibrant community home! Today, we’re sharing everything there is to know about Planning and Growth Management


This portfolio consists of three departments: Building Standards, Development Planning, and Policy Planning and Special Programs. Each Department plays an important role in helping to plan and build our city. 


So, what do these teams do? Here’s everything to know about each department:


Building Standards

The Building Standards department issues building permits and conducts inspections to ensure buildings are safe and meet the Ontario Building Code, the City’s Zoning By-law and other applicable laws. The team issues a number of permits, including for the construction, renovation, demolition and change-of-use of buildings, and for the installation, alteration, extension or repair of onsite sewage systems, plumbing systems and mechanical systems, such as heating, ventilation and air conditioning. 


Development Planning

The Development Planning department processes development applications and plans how land can be used Vaughan. This includes creating urban design guidelines, streetscaping plans, financial strategy plans and more. Using Geographic Information Systems, the team is able to analyze and collect digital data, and generate mapping solutions – all to help advise the public/the development community on any potential planning issues or legislative processes pertaining to their development site. 


Policy Planning and Special Programs

This unit is made up of the following groups: the Policy Planning and Sustainability team, the Vaughan Metropolitan Centre (VMC) Program team and the Yonge and Steeles Program team. 


The Policy Planning team guides sustainable growth and development through the creation of City-wide land use policies, frameworks and plans, including the Vaughan Official Plan. 


Sustainability staff champion Green Directions Vaughan, the City's community sustainability plan, and other supporting plans that help integrate sustainability practices into daily operations. The team partners with internal and external stakeholders to raise awareness on climate change, natural heritage, green infrastructure, urban agriculture and energy efficiency.


The VMC Program team is committed to bringing Council’s vision for the VMC to life, through planning a downtown core that is transit-oriented, walkable, accessible, diverse, vibrant, green and beautiful. This includes undertaking area-specific plans, studies and construction projects, and implementing urban design practices and infrastructure to support growth. 


Through various plans, urban designs and engineering, the Yonge Steeles Program team is transforming the Yonge Steeles Corridor – the west side of Yonge Street, from Steeles Avenue to Highway 407 (excluding the Thornhill Heritage Conservation District and on the north side of Steeles Avenue, from Yonge Street to the west of Hilda Avenue).


Watch this video to learn more about Planning and Growth Management directly from the staff members themselves!


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