Upgrades are coming soon to New Westminster Drive!

City of Vaughan
Participate in an online information session until Feb. 27 to learn more

Improvements are coming to New Westminster Drive – including road resurfacing, a new pedestrian crossing, lighting upgrades, sidewalk enhancements, accessibility features, transit upgrades, cycle tracks and more! 

The following upgrades will be made to approximately two kilometres of New Westminster Drive, from Clark Avenue to Bathurst Street, beginning this spring:

  • road resurfacing.
  • installing new and upgrading existing signalized mid-block pedestrian crossings.
  • upgrading existing lighting infrastructure.
  • replacing sidewalk segments.
  • upgrading road crossings to meet accessibility standards.
  • enhancing 10 transit stops with new bus pads.
  • upgrading two signalized intersections.
  • new in-boulevard cycle tracks.
  • tree plantings. 

Interested in learning more about this work? Take part in an online information session and provide your feedback to the project team via email at infrastructure.delivery@vaughan.ca until Monday. Feb. 27. 

A recorded presentation is available at vaughan.ca/NWRoads – review it to learn more about the project, road improvements, construction scope, disruptions and timelines, and more. 

The New Westminster Drive Road Rehabilitation and Improvements Project supports the City’s commitment to improve transportation and mobility, foster sustainable communities and create an active, safe and diverse city – all priorities highlighted in Vaughan’s strategic plan. Learn more at vaughan.ca/NWRoads. 

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