Vaughan brings efficiencies to the Committee and Council Meeting cycle

City of Vaughan
The City of Vaughan values civic engagement and public feedback. That is why Council meets regularly to discuss issues impacting the community. Beginning September 2019, there will be an updated meeting cycle that includes two Committee of the Whole Meetings, one Committee of the Whole (Public Hearing), one Committee of the Whole (Closed Session) and one Council Meeting.

The first Committee of the Whole Meeting each month will consist of Planning and Growth Management items and the second will focus on items that would previously have been considered by the Finance, Administration and Audit Committee (FAA) and the Committee of the Whole (Working Session).

This new structure helps enhance the City’s efficiencies and meet legislative timelines for decisions. Implementing these changes to Committee and Council Meetings is part of the City’s commitment to delivering inclusive, transparent and accountable decision-making which is a priority in the 2018-2022 Term of Council Service Excellence Strategic Plan.

The details can be found in the Committee Structure Review Report approved by Members of Council in June 2019.

For more information, please visit

