Vaughan’s Transportation Plan is in motion

City of Vaughan
Get involved and help shape the future of transportation in the city

What is your preferred way to commute? Would you travel differently through the city if you had more choices? The City is once again engaging with citizens to gather information on how they get to, around and through Vaughan to help inform the future of the Vaughan Transportation Plan. There are many ways to get involved and have your say, including by participating in a self-guided virtual Public Open House starting on Thursday, Nov. 18, joining a live presentation and discussion on Tuesday, Nov. 23 or by emailing comments directly to the project team. Learn more at
The City’s first transportation plan was completed in 2012 and since then, much has changed with respect to traffic and transportation. While the City’s current transportation plan recommends strategic road improvements to support future development, the updated Vaughan Transportation Plan will provide a 20-year outlook and identify projects that will help provide a greater range of transportation choices to reduce the number of vehicles on the road. The goal is to provide high-quality, attractive, competitive and sustainable mobility choices for all who live, work and travel to and through Vaughan. To achieve this vision, the City is seeking input from residents, businesses and experts.
Your feedback is important.
Through previous forms of public engagement, the project team has studied Vaughan’s existing conditions and completed initial outreach activities to learn about current mobility behaviours – including walking, cycling and driving – and get ideas for improving travel choices within Vaughan. Community input is once again requested.
How do you get around Vaughan? What additional transportation options do you think Vaughan should offer? What are your suggestions for the future? Below are ways you can share your thoughts:
  • ·Review the material online and provide input. Available from Thursday Nov. 18 until Thursday, Dec. 9, a Virtual Public Open House will be hosted at Participate to review background information, key findings, alternative transportation solutions being considered and evaluation criteria. Materials are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You will be able to provide input directly on the site by responding to survey questions.
  • Attend a live virtual presentation and discussion. On Tuesday, Nov. 23, beginning at 7 p.m., attend a live virtual presentation and discussion where City staff will provide an overview presentation of the Vaughan Transportation Plan and address questions from participants. A recording of the presentation will be available following the meeting.
  • Email comments directly to the project team at Via this email, you can also request to be added to the project’s distribution list to receive updates and information about the Vaughan Transportation Plan directly to your inbox.
Feedback collected through the public engagement process will help the City understand and explore concrete ways to shift travel patterns and create alternate choices that move away from reliance on one driver travelling in one vehicle. Read the Vaughan Transportation Plan Notice of Commencement (PDF) for more information on the project. Details are also available at