Waste 101

City of Vaughan

Top five things to know about waste and litter during COVID-19

Litter and waste services are top of mind for many residents, and the City of Vaughan continues to provide support. Here are the top five things to know about waste collection and litter, including recycling tips, how to handle waste safely, new programs and how the community can contribute to keeping Vaughan clean. 

1.     Recycling dos and don’ts
Everyone has a role to play to keep the streets, sidewalks and open spaces clean. The City urges citizens to follow these tips to ensure recycling ends up, and stays, in the blue box: 
  • Leave space (three inches) at the top of the blue box. Do not overfill it.
  • Too much material? Consider using a larger blue box (up to 121 litres, no lids or wheels) to match the amount of material.
  • Put heavier items on top of lighter ones.
  • On windy days, consider putting recycling out the following week.
2.     Safe waste handling
Citizens should continue to practise good infection prevention and control when handling any waste by washing their hands and any surfaces that it may have come in contact with.
The City is reminding residents that personal protective equipment (PPE) such as masks, gloves, paper towels, tissues, wipes and plastic bags, does not belong in the blue box and should be placed in the garbage.
The following steps should be taken when handling waste:
  • Carefully bag all garbage and green bin materials in plastic bags.
  • If anyone in a household is ill, place any item that has come into contact with their mouth, nose or eyes into the garbage. This includes items that would normally be placed into the green bin (tissues, napkins) or blue box (water/beverage bottles, pop cans).
  • Do not flush any disinfectant wipes or baby wipes down the toilet as they can damage plumbing and cause sewer blockages and backups.
The City’s waste collection contractor, Miller Waste Systems Inc., continues to use the recommended PPE to protect workers from hazards they may encounter while handling residential waste bags and bins. The City also urges citizens to do their part and help protect collection staff by safely handling their waste and bins and refraining from approaching waste collectors as they perform their work.
3.     Exchange damaged City blue boxes and green bins
With many City facilities closed due to COVID-19, the Environmental Services department is piloting a program to allow residents to replace broken City blue boxes and green bins through home delivery. All broken blue boxes and green bins branded with the City of Vaughan logo are eligible for free exchange. This is one of many initiatives implemented by the City to support residents during COVID-19.
Deliveries will be made on the day following scheduled waste collection, subject to availability. To request an exchange and arrange a delivery, residents can call Access Vaughan at 905-832-2281.
4.     Order garbage tags
Garbage tags can also be purchased from the safety of home by calling Access Vaughan at 905-832-2281. The resident’s address, garbage tag quantity and payment will be taken at the time of the call. Garbage tags will be mailed out within one business day. The garbage limit is three items every other week – including bulky items. A paid garbage tag is required for any item exceeding the three-item limit.
5.     Everyone can help
For the past few months, City crews have been hard at work cleaning up litter across Vaughan. Littering has many negative consequences on the well-being of our community and overall quality of life. It can be harmful to the environment as many items do not biodegrade; it can be dangerous for pets and wildlife as they may eat or be injured by discarded items; and it is expensive for the City to clean up this trash.  
The City is reminding the community to put their trash where it belongs to reduce litter in parks, neighbourhoods and roadways. Residents can help by doing the following: 
  • Use recycling and waste bins provided by the City in public spaces. If they are full, take the garbage home.
  • Keep their home and surrounding area clean of litter. Prevent windblown litter by not overfilling recycling bins.
  • Recycle properly – masks, gloves, paper towels, wipes and plastic bags do not belong in the blue box or on the ground in public spaces. Place these items in the garbage.
  • Report illegal dumping or litter to Access Vaughan at 905-832-2281 or accessvaughan@vaughan.ca.
Littering and illegal dumping are prohibited and may be subject to fines ranging from $500 to $100,000. . Private property conditions are governed by the City’s Dumping By-law and Property Standards By-law. Those who do not keep their properties clear of litter, waste and debris may be subject to a fine of $5,000 for each offence. As well, the City may have the waste and debris removed at the owner’s expense and it may be subject to an Order to Comply, under the Building Code Act. Failing to comply with an order is a chargeable offense.
For more information, visit vaughan.ca/waste.