Weather watch vs warning: Do you know the difference?

Weather alert

With fall just around the corner, the cooler temperatures and gusty winds can result in more weather alerts. Do you know what to do when they happen or understand the difference between them? It’s important to be prepared for anything Mother Nature has in store!


Here's everything you need to know:


Types of weather alerts

Environment and Climate Change Canada is responsible for issuing various weather alerts to inform the public of severe weather events and how to stay safe in exceptional conditions. These come in the form of a weather advisory, watch and warning. 


  • A weather advisory or weather statement covers poor or deteriorating conditions, often describing weather events of public concern. These statements are typically issued before watches and warnings or to indicate severe weather conditions in forecast predictions.


  • A weather watch indicates the potential for severe weather. They inform the public that forecast conditions could result in severe weather and that they should be prepared in case the conditions develop. 


  • A weather warning is an urgent notice that severe weather conditions are actively occurring or imminent. A Call to Action informs the public on how to protect themselves, their family or property.


Preparing for bad weather

It is essential to know how to prepare for, and deal with, all types of emergencies and disasters. Knowing what actions to take before, during and after an emergency helps minimize stress and prevent injuries or damages. Review the top emergency risks to Vaughan to prepare for an emergency or severe weather situation. Be aware of weather conditions and warnings. Seek shelter immediately if a warning has been issued. 


To stay informed about weather conditions, monitor Environment and Climate Change Canada’s interactive map for active alerts and check the forecast regularly. 


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