What to know when you need a tow

City of Vaughan
Remember your rights when calling for assistance on the road

With winter weather on its way, you may find yourself in a situation on the road where you need to call a tow truck for assistance. The City of Vaughan’s Licencing By-law 315-2005 (PDF) regulates how tow truck operators can conduct business in Vaughan and what information they must provide to citizens. The City also regulates collision tow truck rates to protect the public from excessive charges at a time when people are vulnerable.

In the event you need to call a tow truck due to a motor-vehicle collision, there are a few things to keep in mind.

Make safety the priority
After a collision, you should:

  • call 9-1-1 if someone is hurt, if you think the other driver has committed a crime, such as impaired driving, or if there is significant damage to the vehicle(s).
  • remove vehicles from the roadway if it is safe to do so.
  • exchange information with the other people involved, including witnesses.
  • call your insurance provider.

Know your rights
As a customer, you are entitled to:

  • decide who will tow your vehicle.
  • decide where your vehicle will be towed, including to your residence if desired.
  • see the towing rate sheet before the vehicle is towed.
  • review all details and costs before your vehicle is towed.
  • refuse to accept a tow for any reason.

How to identify licensed tow trucks:

  • All Vaughan-licensed tow trucks must display a City-issued decal on the side of their vehicle. The decal has the letter “V” followed by up to four digits.
  • All Vaughan-licensed tow truck operators must have a licence photo identification document.

To learn more, visit vaughan.ca/TowTruck.

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