Help plan for future outdoor sports facilities in Vaughan

City of Vaughan
Take part in an online survey and more until Dec. 12

The City of Vaughan is initiating a study to help inform the planning of parks and outdoor facilities like baseball diamonds, soccer fields, basketball courts, tennis courts and more – have your say! Which sports fields and courts do you use in Vaughan? What additional facilities do you feel are needed? Until Sunday, Dec. 12, visit to get involved and help inform the City’s City-wide Sports Facilities Needs Assessment Study.
To help ensure Vaughan continues to be a great place to live, work and play, the City must carefully plan for the facilities and services current and future residents need. The City-wide Sports Facilities Needs Assessment Study will review the City’s current inventory of sports fields and courts, explore opportunities to better utilize existing facilities and identify priority locations for new or upgraded facilities.
The 2018 Active Together Master Plan (ATMP) – updated every five years, provides guidance on the planning, distribution and decision-making for new parks and recreational facilities in Vaughan, including service levels. To ensure the long-term growth needs of the public are met, this study will help ensure facility provision standards outlined in the ATMP remain relevant and support City-building priorities.
You can get involved.
Vaughan has approximately 220 sports fields and 210 sports courts across the city. What sports do you play? Which sports facilities do you use? What additional facilities are needed? Have your say by:
  • completing a survey to provide input on the need for additional sports facilities and improvements to existing facilities throughout Vaughan.
  • using an interactive map to share which sports fields and courts you use and where you would like to see additional facilities.
Feedback will be collected until Sunday, Dec. 12. Input will help the City understand the community’s preferences and needs for sports facilities across the community.