When does the City clear sidewalks?

City of Vaughan
All you need to know about the City’s sidewalk-clearing service

The City of Vaughan’s winter crews work around the clock to ensure Vaughan’s roads and sidewalks are kept safe and clear. Learn everything you need to know about the City’s sidewalk-clearing service – one of many efficient and reliable winter operations provided for residents for the 2022/23 season. 

What is sidewalk clearing?
Sidewalk-clearing involves salting and snow removal from City sidewalks during a snow event. The City clears both “main” and residential sidewalks, which are in green and red on this map (PDF). 

Watch this video to see a sidewalk-clearing machine in action. 

When does the City clear sidewalks?
Once five centimetres (two inches) of snow accumulates on public sidewalks, City crews begin sidewalk plowing operations. Sidewalks on main roads are serviced first. During heavy snowfall or Significant Weather Events, these main sidewalk routes may be salted and plowed more than once before moving on to sidewalks in residential areas. After that, plows service paths and walkways within parks. Sidewalks are typically cleared within 48 hours after snowfall has ended. 

Who is responsible for clearing the sidewalk in front of my house?
You, as the homeowner or tenant, are required to remove ice and snow on the sidewalk in front of or along your property by shovelling and/or throwing down salt. This must be done as soon as a snowfall has ended to ensure the community can walk safely on a clear path, without fear of slipping on ice or snow. This applies to homeowners and owners of vacant land, industrial or institutional buildings, whether occupied or unoccupied. Read more about the City’s Snow-Clearing By-law 227-2022 (PDF). A fine of up to $500 may be issued to those who do not comply with the by-law. 

If you have hired a contractor to plow your laneway or sidewalk, ensure they do not leave snow from their removal efforts on the road. It is illegal to shovel snow or ice onto the road. 

What could impact City service levels?

  • Heavy snowfall (10 or more centimetres) or major storms, including Significant Weather Events.
  • Parked cars or other items encroaching on sidewalks such as fencing, basketball nets, decorative stones and other landscape features.
  • As stated in the City’s Parking By-law (PDF), on-street parking is not permitted between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. in Vaughan without a permit. However, during a snow event, all cars must be removed from the road. Please ensure your vehicle(s) do not encroach over the sidewalk. Even a partially blocked sidewalk prevents the plows from doing their job properly.
  • Citizens must remove anything that may interfere with or be hazardous to winter operation crews. Read more about this by-law (PDF).

Stay informed!
For more information on the City’s winter maintenance service levels, visit vaughan.ca/snow. For additional details and to receive the latest information on Vaughan’s winter operations:
