When does the City salt?

City of Vaughan
All you need to know about the City’s salting service

The City of Vaughan’s winter crews are on standby! Learn everything you need to know about the City’s efficient, reliable and high-level salting operations for the 2022/23 season. 

What is salting?
Road salt is applied to roads and sidewalks to address snow or ice buildup. 

Watch this video to see a City salting truck in action. 

When does the City salt?
The City begins salting as soon as snow or ice accumulates on roadways. For example, during a heavy snowfall or major storm, the City will salt and clear main public roads before moving to residential roads. Main roads are salted within four hours after snowfall ends, and residential roads, including narrower streets like the laneways found behind townhomes, are salted within 12 hours. 

What can impact City service levels?
Heavy snowfall (10 or more centimetres) or major storms, including Significant Weather Events, can impact winter maintenance service levels. 

Stay informed!
For more information on the City’s winter maintenance service levels, visit vaughan.ca/snow. For additional details and to receive the latest information on Vaughan’s winter operations: