Winter Operations 101: Plowing

City of Vaughan
What you need to know about the City’s plowing service

The City of Vaughan’s winter crews are on the job! Learn everything you need to know about the City’s efficient, reliable and high-level plowing operations for the 2021/22 season.

What is plowing?

Plowing involves removing snow and ice accumulation from roads and sidewalks. During a snow event, the City is responsible for plowing municipal roads throughout Vaughan.

Watch this video to see a plow in action.

When does the City plow?

Plowing begins as soon as five centimetres (two inches) of snow have accumulated on public roads. The City aims to plow all roads within 16 hours after a snowfall has ended. Main roads are plowed first to keep them clear for emergency and transit vehicles before moving to residential areas. Main roads are completed within four hours after a snowfall has ended and residential roads are completed within 12 hours after a snowfall has ended.

What could impact City service levels?

  • Heavy snowfall (10 or more centimetres) or major storms, including Significant Weather Events
  • Parking on the street during or immediately after a snowfall
    • Residents and visitors of Vaughan are reminded to keep cars off the street while snowplows are clearing the road. Read more about this By-law (PDF).
  • Landscaping features, such as fencing, basketball nets, decorative stones, pots or bird baths on sidewalks or roadways
    • Citizens must remove anything that may interfere with or be hazardous to winter operation crews. Read more about this By-law (PDF).
  • Garbage, recycling and composting bins placed on top of or behind snowbanks
    • Waste bins should be set back from the curb approximately one metre and placed on the right-hand side of the driveway (when facing the home) to allow crews to safely collect waste and the City to clear the snow effectively in residential areas.

Stay informed!

For more information on the City’s winter maintenance service levels, visit For additional details and to receive the latest information on Vaughan’s winter operations:
