You asked, we answered

You asked, we answered

Have a question about a service in Vaughan? Want to know more about a City program? The Service Vaughan team is standing by ready to respond to your inquiries. The City of Vaughan’s contact centre can be reached by phone at 905-832-2281 (toll free at 1-844-832-2112), email at, online at or in person at Vaughan City Hall (2141 Major Mackenzie Dr.).


Every month, the City releases a series called ‘You Asked, We Answered,’ where common questions received and responded to by Service Vaughan are highlighted. 


Below are the top five inquiries from February: 


1.  Does the City offer windrow-clearing services?


As part of our winter maintenance efforts, the City provides a windrow-clearing service to help residents manage snow accumulation at driveway entrances. Windrows are the piles of snow at the end of your driveway left behind after a snowplow passes. Specialized windrow machines clear a portion (one car width) of the driveway entrance, leaving space for vehicles to pass through. Due to the limited size and reach of the windrow-clearing units, residual snow may remain – especially after a heavy snowfall.


Please note:

  • The City’s windrow service does not clear windrows left by sidewalk plows.
  • The service does not remove hardened snow, ice, or fully clear the driveway.
  • It is the homeowner’s responsibility to clear any remaining snow or windrows left by sidewalk plows.


You can request winter maintenance, like snowplowing on your street, a sidewalk or walkway, through Service Vaughan’s online portal under ‘Winter Maintenance’. Enter your address or drop a pin on the map to submit a request and crews will respond in priority sequence. 


For more information on the City’s winter maintenance program, visit


2. Who is responsible for clearing snow around hydrants?


In an emergency, every second matters. Blocked, concealed or difficult-to-access fire hydrants can delay emergency fire response. 


As outlined in the City’s Water By-Law 024-2024  (PDF), residents who have a fire hydrant on their property or City property adjacent to theirs are responsible for ensuring the hydrant is always visible and unobstructed. 


Ensure snow, ice and debris are not blocking the area surrounding a hydrant and an accessible path from the street to the hydrant is always maintained.


To learn more, visit


3. How do I register for spring recreation programs and summer camps?


Have your eyes set on recreation programs from our Spring Recreation eGuide or Summer Camps eBrochure? Head over to to secure your spot! Spring programming begins Saturday, March 22 at all community centres, City Playhouse Theatre and the Vaughan Studios & Event Space. Summer camps will begin on Monday, June 30. 


View the schedules at The online registration system is available 24-7. If you require assistance creating an online PerfectMind registration account, call Service Vaughan at 905-832-2281, email or watch this short informational videoVisit for more information.


To learn more about Recreation Services and stay informed about new programs and special promotions, sign up for the Recreation Services eNewsletter and follow the official channels on Facebook and Instagram


4. When are my 2025 interim residential property tax payments due?


The City’s 2025 interim residential and non-residential property tax bills have now been issued. Payment due dates are as follows:

  • First instalment – Thursday, March 27
  • Second instalment – Monday, April 28
  • Third instalment – Wednesday, May 28


If you do not receive your tax bill in the mail, contact the City immediately by phone at 905-832-2281 or by email at service@vaughan.caFailure to receive a tax bill does not exempt you from paying property taxes – late payment penalties will be added.


Of note, final property tax bills for residential and non-residential properties will be mailed out in June. To learn more, visit


5. How do I dispute a parking ticket or cancel an appointment for a dispute?


Penalty notices are issued for violations of City of Vaughan by-laws. Recipients may either pay their penalty notice within the prescribed timelines or dispute the penalty by requesting an appeal.


Requests for a screening review of a penalty must be received no later than 15 days from the date the penalty notice was issued. Appeals can me made online at or by calling the City at 905-832-2281.


You will need the Penalty Notice Number to schedule the appointment. If you are not the registered vehicle owner or the contravener named on the penalty notice, you will need to submit a completed Agent Authorization Form (PDF) to appeal on the owner’s behalf.


If you are not satisfied with the decision, you may request a Hearing Review. A request must be made within 15 days following the receipt of the Screening Officer's decision.


If you have questions about a City matter, Service Vaughan at 905-832-2281 or visit


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